Christmas Lottery
Where I am is not a good place to be. >.> I raged at lots of forum mods and made it impossible to shorten my ban.
Dose is dead.
Um I was a huge faggot.
Became friends with echoforce on IRC.
Got a bit better.
Became friends with Uric and Spacellama.
Then the combination of those three spawned who I am today. Their love child, basically.
Guess I could do mine again now a bit of time has passed.

Be mature (still). Good grammar helps. Hang out on irc. Talk to people. Apply for shit. Take every opportunity. Never quit a job. Do everything to the best of your ability and then some. Just hang around and stuff will come.
I played some judo.
maintrain asked me to join FCC, so i did.
FCC changed name to RAWR and got official.
nuthug told me to make him a texture, so i made him one.
then i made a few more.
then hanz0 asked TTM who wanted art mod, and i said ya sure.
then i got GATA and TAS mod.
then i gave up art, gata and tas mod. then they rolled the forum back and i had art, gata and tas mod again.
then i got Smod, and kitfox called me a tomato, and then i wasnt an smod, and then i got smod again.
-=Art is never finished, only abandoned=-