Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post
Jim: certain individual state laws hold that marriage can be between homosexuals, hence why it is included as a valid definition in the dictionary.
But I digress, the debate is more over what the definition should be than what it is.

Federal law overrules state laws where the two are in conflict (Prigg v Pennsylvania).
As for the topic, agreed, but the way you handled arguing with Hyde like that was objectively, factually, incorrect, thus why I intervened.

Anyways, I cbf'ed gathering from your wall of texts what you believe should happen to the law. So what's your opinion?
It's not their fault of their genetical (DNA) failure..I think we should leave them doing their own bussiness..
Originally Posted by EpicFailDude View Post
This made me lol a bit.

He's allowed to have his own opinion, even if he doesn't have a more in-depth reason.
Also, even though he doesn't like them, it's good to see he believes they should be treated the same.
Last edited by zejbz; Apr 20, 2011 at 04:56 PM. Reason: Addition...
Originally Posted by zejbz View Post
He's allowed to have his own opinion, even if he doesn't have a more in-depth reason.
Also, even though he doesn't like them, it's good to see he believes they should be treated the same.

Regardless, it's best if you post with more than just an opinion. Give reasoning, facts, personal experiences, etc. etc. so that it doesn't degrade into just an exchange of opinion. Debates are infinitely more fun and long lasting.

And Boredpayne, little interjection here, but scientific studies actually show homosexuality is closer to 2 - 3% amongst males and around 1% of females, not 10% of the population. Just a little statistics correction.

But for this debate to really continue, we should probably clarify which form of marriage we're debating over. Are we discussing legal marriage, or religious marriage? Because the definition of both have been used interchangably in this debate and are two totally different things.

If we're discussing legal marriage, then the church and religious views can have nothing to do with this debate, as politics and law should, and are in most cases, devoid of overt religious influence. This is about whether or not the legal benefits given to couples are extended to cover both homosexual and heterosexual couples, not whether or not God will shit down their throats in the afterlife.

If we're discussing religious marriage, then religious views are applicable, but this doesn't deny homosexuals the right to tax benefits and other perks offered to heterosexual couples. This is the right of a religious body to provide or deny a service to an individual or group, in this case blessing a marriage.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games

My view on it? I don't agree with homosexuality, but it isn't right to discriminate against someone because they want to be homosexual. I wont bother trying to explain why I don't agree with homosexuality because I run the chance of having Boredpayne coming in here and douching it up by bashing my opinion.
Last edited by Mookiefish; Apr 20, 2011 at 08:11 PM.
Not giving a fuck about hurricanes is pretty badass - Fee

This fucking ridiculous, I'm going out on a limb, because of my own experiences, people who are against, or do not like it, repel gay people, are just insecure about their own masculinity, and sexual orientation. Maybe not all, but in most cases, they are, at least slightly.
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Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
And Boredpayne, little interjection here, but scientific studies actually show homosexuality is closer to 2 - 3% amongst males and around 1% of females, not 10% of the population. Just a little statistics correction.


Experts estimate between 1-20 percent of the population.
Surveys yield typically between 1 and 15 percent based on the demographic.
Many more than this have homosexual feelings/experiences, but do not identify themselves as homosexuals.
Originally Posted by Mookiefish View Post
My view on it? I don't agree with homosexuality, but it isn't right to discriminate against someone because they want to be homosexual. I wont bother trying to explain why I don't agree with homosexuality because I run the chance of having Boredpayne coming in here and douching it up by bashing my opinion.

I will not respect willfully ignorant and bigoted people.
You don't want to explain because you have no valid explanation.
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Hey look more than two lines.
Originally Posted by Boredpayne View Post

Experts estimate between 1-20 percent of the population.
Surveys yield typically between 1 and 15 percent based on the demographic.
Many more than this have homosexual feelings/experiences, but do not identify themselves as homosexuals.

Then give me a source. My source states that it's around 3-4% in males (bit of an error there myself), and 1-2% in females. The source is my psychology textbook, I can give futher information on its publication if necessary.

Plus, homosexual experiences do not indicate homosexual orientation, so they can't be added to the count. Nor can homosexual feelings, as almost all people at some point have homosexual fantasies or feelings.
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
Then give me a source. My source states that it's around 3-4% in males (bit of an error there myself), and 1-2% in females. The source is my psychology textbook, I can give futher information on its publication if necessary.

A textbook is not a source, a textbook cites actual sources, e.g. studies. You'd have to give me the study itself.
Most studies on this are inconclusive as the results between anonymous and non-anonymous surveys are wildly different.
Changing the marriage law would give bisexuals more freedom as well now that I think of it, so I wouldn't restrict statistics to just homosexuals. This says 7.5 percent or so.

Originally Posted by Oracle
Plus, homosexual experiences do not indicate homosexual orientation, so they can't be added to the count. Nor can homosexual feelings, as almost all people at some point have homosexual fantasies or feelings.

I don't see exactly how you have sex with a same sex partner without being homosexual/bisexual.
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Hey look more than two lines.