about a week ago I woke up to a thunder storm. I was ok with it then I see the huge streak of lightening then this huge CRACK that made me jump out of my bed. To give you an idea of how loud the sound was, the sound vibrated in my room and the vibration was so violent that my ipod turned on. and an empty water bottle fell off one of my shelves. I could fall asleep till like 4:00 in the morning. When I woke up later, I saw a big black spot in my back yard. That just scared the shit out of me. That could have killed me.
RIP [duck] Aug 28 2011 - April 20 2020
Originally Posted by Rfifan View Post
about a week ago I woke up to a thunder storm. I was ok with it then I see the huge streak of lightening then this huge CRACK that made me jump out of my bed. To give you an idea of how loud the sound was, the sound vibrated in my room and the vibration was so violent that my ipod turned on. and an empty water bottle fell off one of my shelves. I could fall asleep till like 4:00 in the morning. When I woke up later, I saw a big black spot in my back yard. That just scared the shit out of me. That could have killed me.

Holy crap dude, thats intense.

A scary time for me was when I was little. I woke up in the middle of the night and saw the shadow of my mom on the other side of my room. Just kind of walking there. I was like "" And I hid under my blanket.
This guy was once a GameMaster
Just my Story
When I walking to the Hospital (not so far from my house)
I saw a big tree,and there's Girl under the Tree with a White clothes.
In my mind "what the hell was she doing here?!". Then I just leaving her, After a bit Far. when I see Behind,that girl are looking to me with a very white skin and show me her Scary smile and black eyes. After that I can't sleep for about 2 days.
About 2 years ago.
Gotta say the scariest for me was when I was one vacation once in northeastern Michigan.

We stay at these cottages that you can rent which are amazing(in fact I'm here right now, and will be until the 20th). So, about 3 years ago, my brother's friend Sam suggested we sleep over at his place. On the way to his cottage he constantly reminded us about how old it is and that his grandfather's ghost constantly haunts the place.

So, when we got there, since he didn't have enough beds, we all slept in the living room, which had three walls that were almost completely screen/glass windows.

When we finally got to sleep on the couches, Sam and my brother slept on the other side of the room and I slept on a couch in a corner made up of two screen windows.

Then a storm started whirling like a motherfucker. The house was like a wind-tunnel,making a ton of noise and effectively startling me. Then, the thunderstorm kicked in. Now, this is an old house. I wasn't sure if it could take this.

So, basically, I lay down on a couch, eyes wide-open, terrified that the house might collapse over my head, windows could shatter into my face, and of my friend's grandfather standing in the corner.
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Originally Posted by Vog View Post
Just my Story
When I walking to the Hospital (not so far from my house)
I saw a big tree,and there's Girl under the Tree with a White clothes.
In my mind "what the hell was she doing here?!". Then I just leaving her, After a bit Far. when I see Behind,that girl are looking to me with a very white skin and show me her Scary smile and black eyes. After that I can't sleep for about 2 days.
About 2 years ago.

this isn't /x/, post things that actually happened
Mine was when the house in front of my house blew up and killed my closest friend
We used to do everything together, and I also thought of her as the girl for me. But she wasn't. Her whole family was killed in it.
People think that a gas cylinder blew up but no one is sure what was the reason behind the explosion. I keep thinking she still is around spying on me, but that's just some dream I keep having. That experience made me a man. I was easily scare-able but after this I lost the fear and tried everything that I wanted and I'm still following the rule. It taught me so much about life. I still remember the day before this explosion. We were sitting on her porch playing some card game and her mom told me they were going on a trip to some holy place. But I guess god didn't want to come there, but go to heaven instead. And unfortunately she was only a 1st grader. I hate the fact that god can be this rude.
And this happened like 9 years ago, and I still remember it as it happened yesterday.