Original Post
The ultimate Conundrum!
Hey there!
Nuthug and I decided to make a very hard riddle and here it is!
AaronSasori and MANtrain helped a bit, too.
Read the rules! There is a hint ;).

Have fun.

Edit/: You can win... a shit fucking load of money. How does up to 300k sound?

The password for lvl 2 is mizar
Last edited by juo; Apr 26, 2008 at 08:42 PM.
Originally Posted by culapou View Post
i was looking throw the image directory, of all the images uploaded by Nuthug (has to do with the code) so much disgusting stuff the last one i saw made me sick :S

rofl, same, a whole bunch of japanese stuff, I'm looking through it for 30 mins and I find one that says "jonatan eu ta amo" (means "Jonatan is my name" in spanish), and it doesn't even work >.>
Lol, I tried Level 1 in 4 different languages with all logical capitalizations, in addition to trying "NutHug" and "Image". (No, of course it didn't work!)
No one awnsered my question. Is it case sensitive??
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

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If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

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Ok, I am getting pissed off with riddle 1 lol. I have tried fliping it, staring at it for one of those pictures inside a pisture, I tried flping it every way possible. I tried googling the constellations. Still nothing. Is it because its case sensitive, I feel like if I pass this one, I will have more luck with the next one, but I can't pass this one. Pissing me off. Also, I have to leave for school in 15 min and thats means tons of other people will get thru these and there will be no prize ne more.
ponies <3 ..-
Sorry for all typos.

"In the end, it is always good,
If it is not good now,
It is not the end."

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