Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by Zayex View Post

I'll burn in hell for what I did to those poor, poor orphaned kittens with that gasoline.

heaven/hell, maybe, eternal darkness = how? What would it be like to not exist lol. Maybe you'd just be a floating atom.

On the death note (lol) itself, I'm not afraid of death, and have a wish to die by the bullet.

The human mind cannot comprehend the concept of nothing, as it requires some sort of visual description to understand something.

"Pearly gates in the sky" implies that there are big white gates, with clouds and stuff as a floor.

"Flaming lake, where people are tortured" implies that there is a huge empty lake type thing that is on fire. There are also torture devices there and stuff.

"Nothing" implies that there is nothing, which cannot be visualized. The absence of being cannot be visualized by us.
i visualize nothing, as either pure white, or pitch black. does that count?

also, i believe the concept of nothing is when, those "moments" when you dont think of any thing, matter O factly you only realize you were thinking of "nothing" which makes you stop thinking of nothing and making you try to re-think of nothing but only resaying nothing in your head hence not being nothing. (if that made sense)

so those times where im not thinking is how i imagine nothing
A dueler is only a good as his finest lift.

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I respect...
Originally Posted by Marceline View Post
I guess we will never know.

@ your sig: Big shell, go inside, everything, seems alright; Frog jumps out AaHg IT'S A TIGAH!!! throwin down potions for food and fiiyyyuuuhhh.

Sorry, I had to.

/ontopic All the people clinicaly dead who came back say they saw their loved ones, and they were floating above the hospital. Sooo... there might be a heaven after all.
the inner machinations of my mind are an enigma
Originally Posted by Marceline View Post
I guess we will never know.

This. Nobody knows what death is like, since anyone who experiences it is... Well, dead. And dead men tell no tales. We'll just have to wait until we find out ourselves. :U

Also, the concept of nothing is, as Hyde said, beyond our comprehension. We don't have any memories of nothingness, and even when our thoughts are empty, we still have our heartbeat and breath going, so something is happening. The best analogy of "nothing" is the periods of sleep between dreams. You don't remember those, and you don't feel time passing, since your brain is essentially offline. I imagine death being something like that, but permanent. And it scares the shit out of me.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol
Originally Posted by MRSIRR View Post
Athiests won't understand.if you don't have an relegion,than you'll never know

Implying atheists are immortal.
My guess is that I will be forever tormented by kittens wearing clown masks.
I really don't like kittens.
Or clowns.
Or mutated clown-kittens.
Or mutated kitten-clowns.
Or giant purple flying badgers, I really don't like those.
in the name of the manly balthier send me your orc/chronos/gladiator items
we are here on this world probably cuz of some miscalculation and there for
i choose eternal darkness, but on the other hand if i was religious i would say
reincarnation in a different form.
~I make videos and stuff~
Originally Posted by MRSIRR View Post
Athiests won't understand.if you don't have an relegion,than you'll never know

You won't ever know even if you are religious. Since people never come back from heaven or hell, they can't tell anyone about it, and therefore can't confirm their existence. Buddhists say that you reincarnate, but you don't have any memories of your former life, and you might pop up as a fly rather than a human, so they can't exactly tell you about it either.

In short, what happens after you die?


You should be more concerned with living.
<Blam|Homework> oiubt veubg
various places to find me lol