Originally Posted by zyxoonix View Post
i hate your logic, but that isn't right, who said that the chicken came out of an egg?

Basic logic did. Things don't evolve while they're ALIVE, so a non-chicken had an egg, and the hatchling from that egg was a mutation, which was technically a chicken.

There. SOLVED. If I see one more person put chicken, I can be pretty sure they are either mentally retarded, or didn't read the earlier posts. But I guess those two things go hand in hand :3
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
If there comes a chicken out of an egg, it was a chicken egg, wasn't it?

I just thought about that sentence again. Let's cross it.
It can be called a dinosaur egg, because a dinosaur layed it. But still, since the chicken came out of an egg it was the egg that was first, because it only contained a chicken.

I also googled now, to ckeck if I tell any bullshit. Now I would say that there are different ways of seeing it. The one I tried to describe is one of them.

i hate your logic, but that isn't right, who said that the chicken came out of an egg?

Have you ever seen a chicken? Chickens hatch out of eggs. ;)
to put this to an end;

Science (best explanation yet.)

Main article: Evolution
The theory of evolution states that species change over time via mutation and natural selection. Since DNA can be modified only before birth, a mutation must have taken place at conception or within an egg such that an animal similar to a chicken, but not a chicken, laid the first chicken egg.[12][13] In this light, both the egg and the chicken evolved simultaneously from birds that were not chickens and did not lay chicken eggs but gradually became more and more like chickens over time.
However, a mutation in one individual is not normally considered a new species. A speciation event involves the separation of one population from its parent population, so that interbreeding ceases; this is the process whereby domesticated animals are genetically separated from their wild forebears. The whole separated group can then be recognized as a new species.
The modern chicken was believed to have descended from another closely related species of birds, the red junglefowl, but recently discovered genetic evidence suggests that the modern domestic chicken is a hybrid descendant of both the red junglefowl and the grey junglefowl.[14] Assuming the evidence bears out, a hybrid is a compelling scenario that the chicken egg, based on the second definition, came before the chicken.
[edit] Theology (Bullshit)

See also: Creationism
Judeo-Christian writings indicate God's creation of birds along with the rest of the universe. The Judeo-Christian story of creation describes God creating birds, and commanding them to multiply, but makes no direct mention of eggs. According to Genesis 1:
19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day. 20 And God said, Let the waters bring forth abundantly the moving creature that hath life, and fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven. 21 And God created great whales, and every living creature that moveth, which the waters brought forth abundantly, after their kind, and every winged fowl after his kind: and God saw that it was good. 22 And God blessed them, saying, Be fruitful, and multiply, and fill the waters in the seas, and let fowl multiply in the earth.[15]
A literal historic account of Genesis would place the chicken before the egg.
In Hindu writings, creation of birds (and other life forms) by God through superhuman beings is stated in Purāṇas[16] and Dharmaśāstras.[17] However, if one broadens one's definition of "an egg" to include non-chicken egg, the Hindu mythology also mentions a "cosmic egg" from which the universe as known to humans originated. In this sense this supreme egg comes before all creatures, including chickens and chicken eggs. This egg is known as Brahmanda: "Brahma": creator and "anda": egg. The primordial egg is also depicted as a Lingam.
.....German Underground
I believe the chicken came first because I'm a Christian. If you think about it, if God made animals, he wouldn't make an egg for a dog, would he?
Tint is sex.
Originally Posted by Praeter View Post
I believe the chicken came first because I'm a Christian. If you think about it, if God made animals, he wouldn't make an egg for a dog, would he?

Um, the majority of people here know what it would be under theistic circumstances, we just don't believe them. Sooo, it's not like we're ignorant or don't understand, we just don't think it happened. So "if you think about it" doesn't really apply, we kinda already did.
Hey got canned heat in my heels tonight baby
You know know know I'm gonna dance yeah
Originally Posted by gerFight View Post
It can be called a dinosaur egg, because a dinosaur layed it. But still, since the chicken came out of an egg it was the egg that was first, because it only contained a chicken.

Thanks for the info. I've totally resolved this question now
did you know, that the t-rex most likely was covered in feathers? there is a lot of proof why, like it's leg bone and it's really short arms possibly shrinking due to evolution into a bird. therefore i believe chickens were a pygmy t-rex once evolution was about done
Chickens evolved from T-rex's right? And uh... well, T-rex's came from Digimon and then, um Digimon came from uh... Tree's... so that means that...

NEITHER CAME FIRST!? It's all a huge conspiracy, chickens aren't even real, they are just midget penguins in disguises. The government just covers it all up...
~Chess's #1 fangirl!~