What exactly Feminism, in the Western developed nations, is necessary for? I'm curious as to what your opinions might be.
To return the chat train to its rails in a fashion you all seem incapable of: I believe men and women aren't as different as most men and women (who are arguably too biased toward their own gender to make actual philosophical rhetoric to defend their opinion) may first acknowledge. We all have jobs, make friends, and pay the bills. We all act in different manners, I myself trending more toward the "girly" side of the stereotypical behaviour typings.
If you can honestly give me one non-biased reason why we're even remotely different that isn't based upon economy or anatomy, I will openly applaud you.
I think I might be retired.
Not really sure how this got to feminism.
But you know.
The female population. Hmm
I won't say anything like they are annoying compared to males.
Because it isn't true.
There are annoying males, and annoying females.
Males who got weird and annoying habits, females who got just as weird ones.
But one things for certain, males can't really live in this world without them. It's going to die out soon plss
I enjoy their company, but I do not enjoy giving them company on their shopping time.
Just saying.
This is all depended on the female. You just can't generalize a entire sex because they are not all the same. That being said, we are both a necessity.
Skylar said something about feminism having a reason, so I decided to ask what those reasons were, that's all.
Originally Posted by JayWS View Post
Skylar said something about feminism having a reason, so I decided to ask what those reasons were, that's all.

Feminism used to have a proper cause back in like 1970, equal rights for women and stuff like that.
Now that we do have equal rights, there are feminist extremists demanding compensation just for being female. It's pretty self-derogatory if you ask me. I'm not too sure what 'real' feminists do now though.
Originally Posted by Augans View Post
I'm not too sure what 'real' feminists do now though.

I'm not sure what 'real feminists' applies to exactly, but I could guess that there are some out there who try to sustain their rights, since new laws and overuling can come into play.
aaaaaa why did I bring feminism into this. 'real' feminists are basically what mintcat has described, yes, end of feminism talk, we had that discussion as I said already.
Originally Posted by RAWWRH View Post
This is all depended on the female. You just can't generalize a entire sex because they are not all the same. That being said, we are both a necessity.

fully agree, each of us unique in about all ways
[19:59] <Lazors> man it's a good thing people don't see what i write here
Originally Posted by Skylar View Post
aaaaaa why did I bring feminism into this. 'real' feminists are basically what mintcat has described, yes, end of feminism talk, we had that discussion as I said already.

fully agree, each of us unique in about all ways

We are all unique. People who try and generalize groups of people with characteristics are just dumb. This goes for people who try to immitate others.