Christmas Lottery
Nope your post count is horrible,same goes for your grammar.
Application declined.

Sorry man.
Originally Posted by hardcod View Post
Join date: Dec 12, 2010

I started to play, but I lost my internet and started to make replays.

I am pretty skilled though my belt show it.

Belt: 3 rd dan black belt

Replays/Art: replays

Favourite mod: i like wushu akido more.

Why you wish to join: i wish to be prophecy member and i think i can make the clan more powerfull

Why we should let you join: I am a skilled and active player

Do you have access to IR no


Check that app.
Then check this one
Originally Posted by H3CZ View Post
Join date: Dec 12, 2010

I started to play, but I lost my internet and started to make replays.

I am pretty skilled though my belt may not show it.

Belt: I am white belt but I would rate my skill as a 5th/6th dan.

Replays/Art: I had to download the new verson of toribash so I have no replays.

I will start on one for you guys today.

Favourite mod: I like Wushu and Aikido but I am skilled in all other official mods.

Why you wish to join: Give us some reasons why you want to join, make an effort.

Why we should let you join
: I am a skilled and active player. Now that my internet got turned back on my post count should go up fast.

Do you have access to IRC?: No

Past history
: Not much, I don't talk that much in-game, simply because of all the new kids and immature people in general. Most of the people now can't take a loss or have to come up with some excuse to why they lost. So I just keep my mouth shut a say gg after every match.


Last edited by Slanesh; Dec 12, 2011 at 03:58 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
true you have written an app but not a good app
your english seems to be bad...
the thing of art/replay wasnt a choice thing.. you had to post your skills in both or one of those subjects!
so i kinda loled there
show your skills by posting some replays or some art works... or both
for now its a NO
Why the alliance?I want to socialize with this clan member(seem they pretty kind)
What have you provided to the clan?well...for now none,but i will donate when i have spare tc
What can you provide to this clan?I can provide ART and Happiness
Friends/Old members from this clan?Slanesh, you might remember me,i am a member of TMA
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
since there is no real application form. its a free goes i try to follow the example as much as i can

My name is Clipsall but it is not my real name.My real name is Zayan though my friends call me zai, zaiko or psyco or bro(<=my homies)

*I am a 2nd dan however i would state my skills as 5-7thdan.I had an 4th dan iI forgot my password.
*I have got 1.1k post+
*I got replays but I don't they are so good compared to the pro's
*I have 29419 tc But i had around 300k for sometime.Also
Originally Posted by clipsall
hey old friend, since you had helped me so much i just decedided to help you.just send 10k to ur clan bank


I would like to join [P]prophecy for it seems a friendly and skillful clan as it is and for the experiences and new things i can learn in this new name is stated above the usercard and am confirming that it is Zayan.I am a nice person.My main is Aikido.tbm .My favourite mod is Run-kido.tbm. and my worst mod is Judo.tbm.
I practice replay making and arts as my hobby nowadays.they are not the best maybe not the worst.All i know is I am practicing with the aim of being one of the best artist and Replay makers in the toribash community.
I got 4 infractions for useless posts through the years in toribash though all the infraction i got this year since this is the year that i got into the forum.... here is the infraction date time expire date table
Post / Reason Date / Posted By Points / Expires

Reason: Useless post
Dec 10, 2011 11:21 PM by Toast 2 / Dec 20, 2011 11:21 PM

Reason: Ignoring rules
Oct 12, 2011 08:38 PM by Tempo 2 / Expired

Reason: Ignoring rules
Aug 29, 2011 07:06 PM by BenDover 2 / Expired

Reason: Ignoring rules
Aug 13, 2011 05:56 PM by Tinerr 0 / Expired

I joined in 2009 and stopped playing Toribash for a while in 2010 and when i return i had forgot my alts password so i started using this again.
I used to be in [Extreme],[AciD],[Hunters].I got a bad reputation in Hunters for being in that clan for one week and rejoining [AciD].AciD leader quit so i joined Extreme i tried double clanning and that got me banned from that clan and AciD. I convinced the leader that i was sorry and also asked for a perma ban for that account. After that I was not treated equally as the other members were treated.
As you may see i am not very good at grammar though I would like grammar that i can read without my head aching..
If you would be accepting me I would clearly be very happy and help this clan but if I declined i would not go name-calling but i rather go away in hope i can return to this clan as a wiser man
If i get accepted I will follow all the rules throughout the clan and help as much as i can ingame and forum
I am active everyday on forum though not so much irc. i play atleast 3 hrs in game a day.and forum atleast 5 hrs a day. I go irc about every time I get online and check if someones there..

end of application
btw i already told Slanesh that i applied and now i did.If you need examples I would post them tonight since im not in the comp i play but get on forum on.
You clearly did some effort to make a decent application.
So you have my yes.
Do you really think you're in control