Originally Posted by purangel View Post
Hey can I give this a try?
If yes,

Can I make it like robotic Cartoon or just plain Cartoon?

Whatever tickles your tummy.
@Domonzo: I really like that, but the feet just don't match. Maybe try putting one foot as the other so it would look a little more even.
And maybe instead of having the eyes, you could replace it and make a visor. That would be amazing.
@Vog: I like, but it's plain around the torso and arms. Needs more stuff and details.
@demonzo: Yes, I am interested. But considering this is a 100k thread, these sets need to be top notch. Absolutely no flaws at all.
Originally Posted by kingtiesIII View Post
I can recolor this to cobra for you.

This is indeed an interesting set, but not nearly worth 100k.
Wait a minute.
@Demonzo: You aren't allowed to sell sets that you've already sold, and that does include recolors.
I'm afraid I cannot buy that...
Last edited by SqueakyWafflez; Mar 4, 2012 at 07:42 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump