this is not for the movie i just want to rub it in rutzor's face >:3
i decaped u in KB

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i decpad rutzore.rpl (60.5 KB, 7 views)
Spooky Scary Skeletons
Ok guys, here's what i just came up with.
I'm starting again from scratch. Found a few new methods that make it easier for me to adjust speed and timing.
I'll redo everything in a similar way.
This basicly means that the quality will be better due to me recording the replays in a higher framerate, makes the video look cooler and hopefully, more professional.
The only downside is that the release of the video will be rescheduled by a week or so, but i really want to represent our clan in the best way possible. So bear with me and i will post another preview as soon as its presentable.

*throws patience pills around*
especialy me :3

what im lazy and slack off >_>

rutz can i have 3 more patience pills that wasent enough and i like ther taste to
Spooky Scary Skeletons
haha ! I'm changing my mind to often these days....good for me. Only some parts will be redone. What i came up with doesnt work with all the replays lol.
I Suck ! Anyways, the electric guitar i ordered yesterday should arive any minute now <3 this will keep me from editing so the week until release still stands :-P
yes you will, i forgot you to be honest..then i checked my "todo" replay folder and was is NT !!
it was his idea to do everything over so why wouldnt he be ?
jsut make the video look as good as possible on u tube rutz LOL
Spooky Scary Skeletons
Originally Posted by saintowar View Post
Ok then.Im just happy that you are so pationt and cool about doing every thing all over agin

I'm so friggin "pationt" you wouldnt believe it when you saw me irl...i even wait for the bus that arrived last week