Oh, I am not an ally, that is a real big shame. Don't ya love me viper?
"Always Extreme at heart."
I don't check the forums or go in-game anymore, I have quit.
Oh I am already a single ally, But I can request clan ally's with Mr.
Also, maybe you can clan war us yo. ;o
To all members, guests and invaders:
I DON'T wanna see flamewars in here nor any bullshit. Act mature, be polite, show respect. These are my main rules in here and im a hardliner with that.

Allies will be discussed between the Leaders later.
Check my Soundcloud ;)
Dear Reper
I am the leader of Professor, known as Tricerafi. I have been in Aeon for some times (maybe vipertech remember me). I want to request a clan alliance,by doing that we can form a strong bond between our clan, from many aspect by activity, friends, and many more. I hope you considered this ally request

Best Regard

Leader of Professor
"0h no" -Trice
A.K.A Tricerafi || Thanks Papa Donut, bless you
Originally Posted by Thorn
also we should have a clan war with somebody (besides Saints)

It's a good idea. Lcs likes.
Why so serious
Okay 3 things...

Firstly I'm requesting a single alliance <3 Dad, Handler, Stellar, ViperTech and uh Thorn4ever.

Secondly Uh, maybe I could do something/help out with that banner of your but if Viper can handle it then so be it.

Thirdly, I'll war by my self if your up for it.