Original Post
Party/Invite System
This was on the old Suggestions board, but yeah. Toribash should have a party system. Here are some aspects of the system so you don't have to read through a giant paragraph:

  • Invite system - This should be a no-brainer if you want to get a group together. There should be a command like "/invite X", and X would get a prompt saying "/joinserver Q", or something along those lines. These commands should work across different servers as well.
  • Mass invites - Just a variation on the invite system, but now you can type "/invite X, Y, Z" and prompts to join would be sent to players X, Y and Z at the same time.
  • Private party chat - Once a player is invited into the party, they should get access to a private chat with just party members. This is similar to Xbox's party chat feature, except with text, not voice.
  • Differentiating between party members and randoms - Party members should have a different color name than other players in the lobby. This would just make it easier to know who's in your party and who's not.
  • Private party function - If you don't want any more people joining your party, you should be able to set the party to private so that nobody else can join.
  • Vote move system - If the party leader decides to select another server to join, the party should be able to hold a vote to decide if they want to move or not. This should only be applied in larger groups, like 4 or more people.

  • Party Limit - This is to assure that nobody can organize a betting server or a tourney without using global.
  • Block/Ignore Command - If a random player is constantly inviting you, you can add him to a block list, which will permanently disable any contact between the two players until the "blocker" unblocks the "blocked.
  • Clan Invite - If you want to invite everyone in your clan to a party, this saves time by having the command /invite clan, so /invite Hunters would invite all Hunters members currently online.
Last edited by SilentAssassin; Aug 23, 2012 at 05:23 PM.
Originally Posted by firebolty View Post
If this were to be implemented, I say there should be a fee for every time you invite someone, something like 300 toricredits. The fee would let broadcasts keep their value, would keep the basic spambots/spammers out of the equation, and would be something to make the idiots think twice about. The fee could change depending on the maxclients your server has. I don't know, depending on some circumstances, I guess.

no, just make it so that you can only invite your buddies.
Your messed up world enthrills me
Originally Posted by William View Post
no, just make it so that you can only invite your buddies.

It seems you missed the point entirely.

If it was made so you could only invite your buddies, what would stop me from adding a hundred people to my buddy-list and invite them that way? There's no consent needed on the other side of /addbuddy [user], so my point still stands.
Originally Posted by firebolty View Post
It seems you missed the point entirely.

If it was made so you could only invite your buddies, what would stop me from adding a hundred people to my buddy-list and invite them that way? There's no consent needed on the other side of /addbuddy [user], so my point still stands.

I thought i already answered this. Might have been unclear.
Make it so anyone can send invites, but you can only see invites from people in your own buddy list.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
I dont like the idea for fee, but it would be better if only black belts (1000qi) use it
~Supported this idea
The fee system should be implemented along with it, to keep spammers away.

Maybe a pre-paid system, say, there are three packages, 5 invites for 500 TC, 15 invites for 800 TC, and 25 invites for 2000 TC, something of the sort.
yeah ok
Originally Posted by Luminusian View Post
The fee system should be implemented along with it, to keep spammers away.

Maybe a pre-paid system, say, there are three packages, 5 invites for 500 TC, 15 invites for 800 TC, and 25 invites for 2000 TC, something of the sort.

I don't like this at all.
Spammers are easy to remove with my method, no fees are needed.
/removebuddy <spammer>
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
wow, 300 tc per invite? ... that's about as much tc I gain in a day if I played in public servers
make the invite only between buddies, and if I'm not wrong, both sides have to agree to become buddies

totally support this, if the price is lowered to around 50~100
I'm pulling quite of few of my suggestions from everyone else's comments (although some are mine), but here they are in one place:
1) You can only invite people who are on your buddy list and only If you're on theirs
2) No fee/cooldown. If you get spammed, just remove the spammer from your buddy list
3) Have a command like /hush, which stops whispers, but make it stop invites. Also, if for some reason you don't want to remove someone from your buddy list, have a command that only stops invites from a certain person, like /hush (spammer/annoying person). Would also be nice for regular whispers as well
3a) Sorry, getting off-topic, but group private chat. Like /whisper spiral sloth, and having a whisper where it was a 3-way chat between you, Spiral, and Sloth
4) Have a y/n so that typing in ridiculously long room names is simple. Also, if declined, have a message appear saying that they declined so that you know that the person wasn't just AFK.
5) Clan invites. These would invite your entire clan, no matter if you're on their buddy lis or not. They'd have cool downs, or just be for clan leaders. Or, the power could be given to people in the clan, like the ability to kick people from clans is given. This would be /invite clan, not /invite (clan name) because I feel like there could be someone named Hunter
5b) Buddy list invites. Same principle, except that you would invite everyone in your buddy list that has you as a buddy
5c) Group invites. Add people to groups in which you could invite all at once. Similar to the clan invite, but you're only inviting a part. Basically, turning"/invite squirrel cakeh chedda toforz" to "/invite fartz" (or whatever you decide to call the group)
Last edited by Cheeseburger; Mar 20, 2013 at 03:11 AM.
Be warned, @#w#@. They are coming.
In a way this kinda defeats the purpose of globals. Maybe an invite system wouldn't be so bad if you had to pay like 250tc or something for it.

~Somewhat Supported
"An American monkey, after getting drunk on brandy, would never touch it again, and thus is much wiser than most men." ~Charles Darwin
Originally Posted by Piworocks View Post
1) You can only invite people who are on your buddy list and only If you're on theirs
2) No fee/cooldown. If you get spammed, just remove the spammer from your buddy list
4) Have a y/n so that typing in ridiculously long room names is simple. Also, if declined, have a message appear saying that they declined so that you know that the person wasn't just AFK.

Doesn't need much more. Start off slow.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore