Alright here's a replay to get back into the groove, the last two were shit so you know.
It's pretty short, I'll be uploading a tricking replay pretty soon.
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wow that
You was kinda like a drunk.

And I really liked the powerful of that punch. Pretty cool, drunk tori.

*CnC me?
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I love the opener. The way you rocked back and forth while your arms relaxed made a really good portrayal of drunkness. The rest of the replay up to the punch looks pretty average, the part where you do a butt slam toward uke's head looked rather messy for my taste.
Alright guys, I hate myself. I can't seem to do any more with this, so it's stuck as it is.
More drunk shit coming soon hopefully.
Attached Files
ND - ON TRAX Vol. 4.rpl (111.9 KB, 40 views)
wow that
It looked pretty nice, you tried harder to keep the flow than to pull off wierd ass amazing spins, and I liked it.
oh yeah
Some kind of cool shit. But I don't CnC tricking.

But your flow was kinda ahhh (= cool) and the thing you was doing (idk what you call it) was nice for someone that hates himself.
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If you want to land it without breaking your feet you can raise the DM threshold to a crazy number like 39825 in notepad and your feet won't break when you edit it. I forgot how to turn off DM, so I use the above method. Good replay cept for the end landing, but it's fixable.
So guys I decided to make a really bad replay.
Slightly rusty, having not played for a while.

But I think I do have a a little fun thing to do now.
Any full replay that I can complete within a few hours
I'll dub "Drunkenmaster Shitspitter" and try to make it as bad as
possible. It's fun to do and keeps me interested in replaymaking, so
I'll be doing this along with actual replays.
like it needs an explanation omf

here it is.
wow that
Here's a madman.
I'm bad at madmans.

Title inspired by notnoob.

notnoob cnc my replays you lying bitch
Attached Files
ND - Spin2Die.rpl (303.1 KB, 35 views)
Last edited by Nearly; Jan 14, 2013 at 10:04 AM.
wow that