oh fuck ö.Ö i write the false price ... the price for lax was 10k and the 5k for force... fuck can i send the force back... i pay 500tc over market price
or i give you 7k for the lax and then this is the same... then you have for force and lax 17k
Last edited by xxNeoSxx; Oct 20, 2012 at 02:49 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
dude again... or better... can i get my tc for the force back.. i pay to much for it... then i can make a new deal and then i give you the 10k for the lax
Sent: Gold force to ArrowBasse.
Last edited by xxNeoSxx; Oct 20, 2012 at 03:13 PM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump
Sent: Head Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Hand Texture Trail to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Hand Texture Trail to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Leg Texture Trail to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Groin Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Bicep Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Hand Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Pec Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Bicep Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Tricep Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Hand Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Leg Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Pec Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Thigh Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Tricep Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Thigh Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Leg Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Foot Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Breast Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Chest Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Stomach Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Foot Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Set: Set 2 to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Bicep Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Hand Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Groin Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Chest Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Hand Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Breast Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Stomach Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Leg Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Pec Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Bicep Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Tricep Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Pec Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Tricep Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Foot Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Left Thigh Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Foot Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Thigh Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Right Leg Texture to ArrowBasse.
Sent: Set to ArrowBasse.

edit: Sent: Gold relax to ArrowBasse.