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Suggestions for 4.3 - e-sports release

I'm working on the new 4.3 version, the release is focused on features that make tournaments, duels and spectating more exciting, easier to use.

Currently I have on my todo:
- Ingame opener stats (first use, name, win ratio, who found it first)
- Naming of openers used (if you create a new opener, you can also name it)
- Ingame player stats (join date, games played, win ratio etc)
- Mouse over on joint stats (how close to breaking was the join, how much damage did it take)
- Pause tournament or duel (ops can pause a current match)
- /decaprize 1000
"hampa has added a 1000 TC prize for decapitation"

+ the usual bug fixes and tweaks.

If you have any other competitive features, please post in this thread.
Last edited by hampa; Nov 7, 2012 at 02:32 AM.
Having a duel command for item/item and item/tc duels would be nice.
I have no idea how you would go about using commands, or setting up the number of matches, but it sure would decrease the amounts of duel related scams occuring.
Originally Posted by Shmevin View Post
Having a duel command for item/item and item/tc duels would be nice.
I have no idea how you would go about using commands, or setting up the number of matches, but it sure would decrease the amounts of duel related scams occuring.

That ^ for fucks sake if for nothing else it would at least make your guys job sooooo much easier. Add to that it would also make the game a lot funner for duelers like me . Also Williams suggestion was nice too.
- Ingame opener stats (first use, name, win ratio, who found it first)
- Naming of openers used (if you create a new opener, you can also name it)

That'd be good but in 2008, when tb gameplay was focused on openers and so on.
Nowadays, as we're more into impro and some players don't use them at all (including myself), that may be pain in ass. You're doing a random move? Omg, but that's 'xxx's opener'!

Other thing is that, if you implant this system now, most of the openers will be claimed as theirs by a random people, not their true creators, unless of course you have database with stats who did x move when, which I doubt.
This may be out of what the next release is focused on but could you modify the modmaker so it would easily scale the tori. Somehow an option to automatically scale and reposition all the limbs and joints either proportionately or just scale one limb/joint and reposition the other parts.
This could save time from repositioning the other parts if you would like to resize the tori.
~knight zero~
I completely agree with you Erth, it's way better to have random fracs than studied ones.
And can I have a link to that unibash class?
Art Shop! [TA]<3 [TGO]<3 [r]<3
As a note

<Skul> users want player searching on the UI + they're after getting friend stuff
<Skul> probably worth doing something with global chat so people know how to use it.  that'll save butthurt over kicks from private rooms
^ Things I put forward before this thread was made & hampa approved of, thus no real need to suggest them here again etc.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Originally Posted by Powas View Post
That'd be good but in 2008, when tb gameplay was focused on openers and so on.
Nowadays, as we're more into impro and some players don't use them at all (including myself), that may be pain in ass. You're doing a random move? Omg, but that's 'xxx's opener'!

Yeah, I think that a lot of starters nowadays have some pretty negative connotations (whether you agree with them or not) and play style has evolved to be more improv.
But I think it's a pretty cool idea, and it'd be nice to see what people have come up with in different mods.

Originally Posted by ultimation View Post
I completely agree with you Erth, it's way better to have random fracs than studied ones.
And can I have a link to that unibash class?

It was a spoken word class, no log of it on the forums I'm afraid, but I'm thinking of doing an advanced taekkyon tutorial soon which would explain it.

Also the global chat thing needs to be more well known, as skul said, maybe have a thing with the flight school that explains things and also shows the forum?

Yeah, I only don't like erthtkv2 because of the mod's name. Make it "tkv2," and the mod will instantly become more popular. This is a valid reason as the name of the mod is still an important feature that no one seems to have yet discussed.
Thanks for the good ideas.

To make this release about e-sports like features, I'm thinking of enhancing spectating and commenting.

Imagine someone watches TB for the first few times. What does he need to know to understand the competitive elements.

Image someone commenting a TB game, What stats and info should he have available to make a compelling backstory of the players. For instance, a pro TB player might see when a joint is going to dismember, but a commentator needs to know how close it was.

Player info (backstory):
- Country
- Clan
- Join Date
- Black belt date
- Forum activity
- Favorite openers
- Quote or sig
- Qi, Elo, stats

- How much damage did a hit do (mouse over on bodies)
- How close to DM/Fracture is he (mouse over on joints)

Game stats:
- Total bet amount on the players
- How many times these players have meet