Originally Posted by
Let's look at magicalsack's account history.
Of course, I have no way of proving whether or not some of these items were actually sent as winning prizes, or as something like trivia, but really? Ecto Left Leg Motion Trail? Viridian Timer? Ivory Timer? Ecto Timer? Why would I wait almost an hour to gain some item that's barely worth 600TC and may not even sell when I can play a much smaller tourney and get 750TC up front? (Not to pick on certain people)
Bother the others.
As I said, I keep my prizes at certain value. From those items that you've mentioned, Ivory timer was 'mine' - I used it as a prize for trivia question - estimated worth around 500 to 600tc, I find it sufficient for answering the question (that's my trivia prize range anyway - 500 to 1000tc).
Now, let's look at your balance.
Of course, I'm not saying that you have to use your own funds (as that's not my position), nor am I even saying that you should, but wouldn't it make some players more willing to join your tournaments? Even with simple 5k/2k prizes in lieu of 7k/3k, you have enough to fund over 50 tournaments, or over three months of hosting (this is not even including other events, such as betting servers, nor does it assume that you gain any funds in this time).
Perhaps I'm biased, but when I used 7k/3k as prizes for my tournaments, rooms were always full and nobody ever complained (well, not about the prizes at least )
Before I got my GM position I used to host quite a lot using my own tc (once I had funds, that is - late 2010 would be somehow accurate date, most of the events were done in 2011 and early 2012 - I'm GM since end of April) - powastourneys, cwtourneys, wafflebets, forum event called Big Waffle Challenge with decent prizes and few more - everything funded from my own pocket. I've spent a lot, for sure more than 250k (in 2011 and early 2012), probably up to 100k (counting in 2010) more.
Right now I don't feel like I must use it since 80% of tourneys I host are full
in instant and yet I have a reason to keep the tc. One more side note - tc decap prizes (1k) I sometimes add goes from my pocket as well.
Plus, I can't see people complaning about 'my' items prizes.
Aaaand, branding the actions of users as "faggotry" isn't very polite nor professional.
Aaaaand, since when you are a white knight in shiny armor, box? You didn't have that attitude while you've been in team.
Oh, and I never claimed to be polite, I'm rather rough Pole.
Last edited by Powas; Dec 18, 2012 at 11:48 AM.