well usually my username is "Raptor" or "BlackRaptor".. which i got from watching some Warcraft 3 matches in the TV, one of them was namend Raptor (something added but i dont remember) the other one was DarkMoon(or something close to this), so i first came on "DarkRaptor" but i didnt liked it. so i decided to make it "Blackraptor"..
how i get "BlubKill"? well, i wanted to register for an Browsergame but there was already a "raptor".. so i just came on "BluB" which i got from somwhere and "kill".. so and after i got this username, i can reigster everwhere... its ALWAYS valid. cuz im the only one using this nick ;)..
(i also got some other usernames : CedriX, CedroX,Cera(mostly using this if playing a female character), CeraX, Cendra, Cendra Leerox.. i got these mostly because i like the letters C and X... dunno how i come on these then.. ow and i used a time "Blake" which was almost stole from the nick of my brother which uses always "Blade")
but actually im using rarely "blubkill", prefering CedriX etc.