I would love to say that I am really starting to hate some of our new admins. Such as Vampire2. He and others like him kick other people for no reason and are complete idiots. I do not know how these un-deserving admins got the all-server passes but it's being spread around like a disease to low-belt, idiotic, members and they are just plain careless with their newly-gained powers. Once they get it they are like "OMG I R JUS GOT ADMIIIN POEWRS IMMA G0 BAN AND KIKK EVARYONE I FIND BECAUSE I IZ DOOSH". I mean seriously. If you just got admin powers, you had best use them with respect. Don't make others cower in fear because you think you're all big and bad with the powers. "DO AS I SAE OR I BANLAZOR YOO LOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOLOL". Bullcrap. Just today Vampire2 kicked a player because they didn't space when there was 10 frames left, and he didn't even warn the player to space! Come on guys, use your newly-gained powers with respect or the crap off Toribash because no-one likes a power-abusing jerk.