"religions" (lets not go there)
"religions" (lets not go there)
You're a wikipedia narrating robot with an annoying condescending tone.
I'll find someone more interesting to discuss with somewhere else on the internet.
If you were considering this an argument, considere you won. Congratulations.
"Religion" has specific supernatural connotations. I don't even know what you were trying to argue, that somehow capitalism is making us devolve? It makes 0 sense.
I think you don't understand the concept of value, basic economics, probably evolution as well, plus you seem to subscribe to some pretty out there theories.
It's disheartening to see you hand wave and act like wikipedia is evil instead of trying to educate yourself.
Cow has countered all of your points logically and calmly.
The problem with this discourse is that you're unable to comprehend what he's saying because you're either stubborn and unwilling to change your position when you're wrong or because you just lack the necessary critical thinking faculties to realise that you're wrong.
Cow >
Seriously what the actual fuck... I gave you a dictrionary link to show you "religion" or "religious" or "religiously" can be used in different ways, not only refering to "supernatural conotations" but refering to the dogmatic and "unquestionnable" aspect of something, as in "following the football world cup religiously" (where the fuck is "supernatural" in that?) it's a common use of the concept that you can hear everyday but you somehow never did. (Now apply that aspect of unquestionnable dogmas to capitalism or whatever the fuck I said I won't even bother going back and read again)
And what the actual fuck again ? I never spoke the word "devolution". The concept in itself is totally retarded and implies time going backward. Evolution only goes forward but has endless possibilities, and becoming worst is a constant threat if we make the "bad" (if we considere morals) choices at some point. Evolution doesn't mean "improving".
You're making me say stuffs I never said, that just shows me you don't have any clue what it is I'm putting under your noze.
I never tried to prove you guys wrong. I just tried to make you see further than your technical knowledges. All you said was basically true but you're just seeing the tree hidding the forest. You need to go out of the "beaten track" and start doubting at least a bit.
Thanks for your very interesting assumptions, that made the discussion progress 200%
But, as WE said already, the concept of value has different shapes depending on the culture or the person, and I don't see how someone could not grasp the concept of value anyway, even a 5 years old kid does...
I'm not afraid to doubt about what I percieve as being true already, you should try it sometimes.
As for Economics. Are you guys economics students? You're trying so hard to prove it right and sounds so reluctent doubting it even a bit it looks like you would be in an endless despair if you ever do. (Or like you'd go to economics hell I dunno, hueheuheuh [religious/hell ... that's funny])
FUCKING ONCE AGAIN, are you fucking with me for fun or is it not on purpose? EACH ONE of your post you're quoting me wrong or making me say some totally other things ! where did I say wikipedia is evil ? I probably read interesting stuffs on wikipedia almost everyday when searching about any subject, it's like everytime I say something you fix on a word and make more assumptions. But I'll help you there : I just called you "wikipedia narrating robot", "narrating robot" being the thing to notice in opposition to "deducting human being" or "answering person", If I'd say "you sound like a fuckin schoolbook" you'd probably be saying I said school is evil or something, but I was implying that no one could have a serious discussion with you, since you're just repeating stuffs like a robot. (It's the first time I've to explain someone an offense I just told him)
niqqa pls, he merely answered 20% of all the shit I wrote. Logically is discutable but I'll concede it. Calmly ? niqqa plsē. I haven't been trying to put any one of you down, while you were being condescending and assuming I'm stupid from the start.
Thanks for proving my point above.
I could say the exact same thing to you, being all jerky and subjective. But look at me, I'm not! because I can show enough good will to try and put myself in your shoes and understand your point to enhance my own, while you're just denying all I said like it was a big pile of horseshit mumbled by a mad man.
If someone needs some more self-critiscism aptitude, it's certainly not me [huehueheuh ironic, funny again]
You could have just said "you're wrong and you're wrong" without all the useless shit around, to show me how much of a constructive critic you are yourself.
then he started answering the same thing over and over to different points I wanted to show him (which makes no sense).
I wasn't trying to reveal you some kind of ultimate truth, prove your knowledges wrong or as Turtle said "change your position". What I'm generally trying to do with people on those matters is making them think further than they actually do, because we need to.
You guys need to stop being so sure about what you know and start giving credit to people who don't necessarily think like you do. There are many forms of intelligences and many ways to use it, being a close-minded dick ain't one of them. Maybe you Aussies fried a bit too long on the beach.
And yes NOW i'm kinda pissed, you made me lose my cool (you should be proud that's kinda rare), and NOW it's an argument, not a friendly discussion anymore.
Post 45 in this thread
Your first post clearly was saying you disagree with everything already said.
And what is wrong with not agreeing with what is said and then offering an insight from another angle on the topic discussed, or a key element in the discussion?
You can't blame him for not having the same views as you, and your response is just stupid; stating that he is "wrong" in having such a view...
Okay, most of your points/arguments/counterarguments to his last post seems valid, but that last one...
- "Conversations about subjective ideas, which often serve to extend understanding and awareness."
- Informal debate
- an act or instance of discussing; consideration or examination by argument, comment, etc.; informal debate.
Please do remind me, what is wrong with posting arguments supporting your views, or breaking down contradictions and/or problems with another argument or "view"?
If you were considering this an argument, considere you won. Congratulations.
sighs... once again you didn't get what I wrote...
I'll quote myself :
I was implying that what I started as a banal dicussion to make you think under a different angle, you seemed to have turned into a "debate" (i.e a verbal exchange with a winner and a loser, synonym : argument), since you never tried once to embrace that different angle I was offering you and constantly tried to prove it wrong.
Means it was irony. Because there was nothing to won except maybe enlarging your perception of things, which you didn't.
Tho yeah I kinda started the discussion the harsh way, trying to "break" your whole conceptualisation at once, not clever from my part, I'll give you that.
Don't bother Smoggy, it's ok. Maybe one day they'll get what I wanted to show them by themselves.