Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Youngfags gonna young.

Not gonna bother naming stuff I grew up with, it'd just confuse you all.

Well, you're not allowed to hate on my gen!
Megaman was the thing, not really into stuff like..


"<Nightin> i only watch gay porn for the plot"
Eroge Expert
I aint hating on it, after all it aint far off my gen. Megaman was & still is the shit... Well the old ones are. 9 was pretty win, but 10 was more meh than anything. The X series was fine till the later games etc etc.

In my day we had 16 colours & beeps and we were happy with it.

I could go into why Nintendo just wasn't a "thing" over here until the N64... Even then they pretty much failed. Consoles were just that far behind the times compared to the other gear we had.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
I lived in the country in my childhood, so I didn't have much to play.
the one computer game I remember was like.... Crusader's castle or something.
Crusader's Stronghold... I dunno, that was a bit later in my life...
I was all for those kinds of games though, Age of Mythology... other stuff...

2youngfag sorry.
wow that

This game?

Loved that game, always used to turn off the enemies and just try to make the biggest city possible, always failed, but it was fun.
<BISH> kick chan my modes are moving on their own~
Chrono Trigger/Chrono Cross
Diablo (1 ofc)
LSD the game <3
Harvest Moon: BTN

basically this
Pois nasci nunca vi amor
E ouço del sempre falar
Originally Posted by ManlyPotato View Post

This game?

Loved that game, always used to turn off the enemies and just try to make the biggest city possible, always failed, but it was fun.

Reminds me of Caesar 3. Best. Game. Ever.
<&Fish>: did you just infract the toribot?
<&Fish>: you're fired
<JSnuffMARS> sounds like a drug-addiction or mastu(I'll censor that word)
<bishopONE>: also yeah fisting
<mwah> Gynx is it true you got admin over hero because hes from pakistan
Originally Posted by ManlyPotato View Post

This game?

Loved that game, always used to turn off the enemies and just try to make the biggest city possible, always failed, but it was fun.

I always used the map where there's like one city in the middle and a bunch just
surrounding it. I never managed to finish any of them since I had no sense of
Strategy back then, but it was still rather fun.
Also yeah that game.
wow that
I played a lot of Sega Genesis, PS1 and N64 when I was a kid. I also had a windows 98 PC for a while, but I didn't play it that much.

A few of my favorites are -

Final Fantasy VII
Mega Man X4
Super Mario 64
Medievil 1 and 2
LoZ: Ocarina of Time
Diablo 1
Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3
Sonic games on the Sega Genesis and Sonic Pinball
Resident Evil 2 (had a lot of nightmares over this game)

might think of some others later on..
Last edited by Faint; Mar 15, 2013 at 10:54 PM.
Originally Posted by Faint View Post
Medievil 1 and 2

How could I forget it? This game is freaking awesome
Pois nasci nunca vi amor
E ouço del sempre falar
I played a lot of NES and Genesis growing up. Still love playing Sonic and Vectorman. Gunstar heroes and Shining Force were amazing too.
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