Originally Posted by
religion doesn't cause wars, people in power manipulating religion causes wars
go outside for once and stop circlejerking over your superiority complexes
You're confusing contemporary religion and the religion that contemporary religion is founded off of. Today, not many wars are started over religion (religion alone). But go back 2,000 years, generally, there was no reason to fight if it wasn't for a God.
I will agree, most religious blights and conflicts are caused over extremists of either side. In addition, I will not agree that religion is the soul reason conflict exsists but you'd be joking to say it isn't a major cause.
Originally Posted by
i love how edgy atheists think that religion is all about war and delusion
have you guys ever even met a religious person? they're exactly like us if not nicer and more well-adjusted
you folks need to learn to tolerate because you're doing to them essentially what they did to you
Look, another creationist who generalizes all atheists as arrogant and self-absorbed. You see how condescending that sounds? This argument can go in circles forever. To be fair, both atheists and creationists have generalized and stereotyped each other.
Why does atheism have a stigma to it? I know plenty of atheists who are better people than most religious people. My problem isn't a belief in a God, my problem is religion.
Not all religious people are what their religion teaches them to be. I was born into a catholic family, baptized and taught the morals of Catholicism. Unlike most "catholic families" our family actually went to church every week. I attended a catholic elementary school for 6 years. I'm pretty knowledgeable in the religion. But around 8th grade I began asking why? Why is okay for God to kill millions? Why is homosexuality a sin if all people are created in the image of God? I could never get straight and forward answers. I noticed a lot of hypocrisy from the people who attend church. They call themselves people of faith but attend church on Easter and Christmas only.
Aside from Catholicism's hypocritical tendencies, I respect them for keeping true to their traditional values. New churches today are bigger than ever, they're just money pits that the pastors profit from.
Back to the point however, war is an invention of mankind and isn't directly derived from religion. That I will agree with you on. War was first "invented" before religion, before people knew about a God. It was to fight off competition and protect or attain scarce resources. However, religion has become a major source for war and left millions upon millions dead.
As we both know, the effects of war are inexcusable. There is no way to justify war today. There are enough resources for all. War is fought for money, power, and ideology. But the effects of war are all the same.
Originally Posted by
*le jumps, lands here again
Xipherion :" Face it!"
Religion and Science are different.
Science crosses the line and make so much theories.
Religion, just believe in God... nothing bad'll happen
Well, to atheists, I couldn't explain...
Catholic here.
No. What line does science cross? Theories aren't what you may think they are. Scientific theories contain conclusive evidence that support a well-rounded explanation of a certain question. The only reason they are not considered laws are because they explain how something happens, not what happens. In no way does it mean it is only a guess. You're probably referring to a hypothesis.
If you study physics to a greater depth you'll find that religion and science are very closely related. Ever heard of Quantum Physics? Well, it's the study of physics at an atomic (small) scale. We learn that our laws of physics do not apply to things on such a molecular level. Things are not measured by conventional means, much of it is explained by loose inconclusive hypotheses. E.G. String Theory.
They are not conclusive because we learn that most measurements are found using statistics and probabilities. In my mind, this is where the line between God and Science exists. The question is whether or not these probabilities occur by chance or are controlled by some sort of God/Creator.
Before you jump to conclusions on atheism and creationism, educate yourself on the topic.
Last edited by JayStar; May 21, 2013 at 03:13 AM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump