Given the lack of ability to test the first i'm willing to bet 10,000 TC. My bet being that Microsoft will in the future prior to the release of the Xbox One release a lot of information about the exact policies on DRM. Sound good to you?
Can you please post the source that states that money from the payed service will be used to improve it?
“We are going to make a very significant step-change in the online experience with PlayStation 4. Some of that functionality was spoken about yesterday, and some on February 20, and that’s all great and we’re really happy that we’re able to make our online experience much more competitive, but the flipside is that this stuff comes at a cost.
When you’re trying to achieve a £349 price-point and trying to deliver all this functionality, the money has to come from somewhere.”
~Jim Ryan, SCE Europe, E3 2013
If you lot had looked into this stuff as much as you all keep making out then I wouldn't have had to post this. Do the research.
Ok but there's a few problems.
1. I asked for a citation, and while you did quote someone, it's not even in context. Was he previously talking about pay-to-connect?
Longer response from another interview
2. "has to come from somewhere" is purposefully ambiguous, and if he /was/ previously talking about pay-to-connect, then why didn't he just say so?
I think you have made some non-sequitur logic in assuming that paying more money automatically makes something better, and that paying for the PS3 network in particular will mean more money is spent on the network.