Secret Santa 2024
Skilled mods:wushu,instabigfeet
Previous Clans:Tag
Reason u want to join:becouse i tink recoil is a preety good clan
Why pick Recoil over any other clan:becosue i saw one of recoil member playing and i loved it
Why we should pick YOU to join:i know a neat tricks
Goldenfist: hey surf wanna do an omg fight
(sigma)surf: Omg tottaly

Belt: Black (some fights to 2th)
Skilled mods: classic, sambo etc. everything where u fight.
Previous Clans: -
Reason u want to join: I wanna have clan where i can train and fight with good rivals and improve my skill.
Why pick Recoil over any other clan: dont know... magic...
Why we should pick YOU to join: If i join you will gain ultimate weapon in your hand

@Down lol
Last edited by Verax; Aug 6, 2008 at 02:00 PM. Reason: updated reasons :F
okay first, I think we need better reasons verax XD and our leaders havent been posting that much lately so I cant do anything
umm its hard... Bout the posting and testing thing i mean were all in Different time zones... So How Bout this... Pm me or diax (only after posting here....) and we'll arange a time to test u... ok :3?
"Cheese ~ Milks giant leap toward immortality"
lolololllollolololololololol u iz said my namez! roflmao... i are veri veri hIPer todai!
<DarkJak> Veb does it all the time!

Proud Member of the EMO Org
RONALDS PHAILZ (But still is ownage :3)

Belt: Black about 120 to 2nd dan
Skilled mods: just about everything except toriboxing
Previous clans: Mafia ( old co-leader )
Reason I want to join: I know Tristar she used to be in mafia and I want to be in a strong and active clan like mafia used to be
Why pick Recoil: Cool name, Cool Leader, strong members , and i want to have a clan that i will mean something to.
Why YOU should pick ME: I am a strong player, very active in forums, and i could help build a stronger clan.
Last edited by Ender; Aug 11, 2008 at 01:22 AM.
<DarkJak> Veb does it all the time!

Proud Member of the EMO Org
RONALDS PHAILZ (But still is ownage :3)