we've gotten enough members to fill a small island, we should stop recruiting for now ;v
Last edited by spidermang; Nov 4, 2013 at 08:22 AM.
Hello everyone.

It has come to my attention that this clan's behaviour has been significantly lower than what is expectable.
I'm not saying it's all your fault, but you have been involved in creating a tiny bit of a mess. (In this context feel free to ignore the words "tiny bit of")
This is just a warning post but if things carry on much longer, we will have to take slightly more drastic actions.

Here's a few tips that you don't have to listen to but would be wise to read and take careful not of if you like having your own clan and plan to keep it that way.

1) Try and keep the clan board free of spam. This includes people outside the clan spamming. If anyone spams from outside the clan, give them a warning or two. If they don't adhere after telling them repeatedly to either not post in this board again or to rein their comments down, then let a clan mod know and we'll have a little chat with them.

2) Don't be idiots. This isn't that hard but lots of people are astoundingly bad at it. Use common sense and follow the rules. Don't instigate people or intentionally start a confrontation.

3) Make sure your posts consist of more than useless off topic and generally stupid content. A prime example is one of the posts above:
Originally Posted by infectedpube View Post

4) Follow the rules. Seriously.

Anyway, that's my warning to you guys. If you chose to continue to be difficult I'll think up something more effective.
Last edited by Text; Nov 4, 2013 at 04:04 AM.

"[11:17pm] Thorn: I'm gonna have to ask you to stop being so productive"
I can't help but feel I've been singled out here. That's a common pun if you are native english speaking... Like it's been gneiss talking to you...and I was welcoming a new member.
Anyone up for a clan Tournament? I was thinking. If we have a bank, we can use the TC to have tournaments and wars. Say yes if so, and no if you do not want to.
Twerkin for TC

First Clan Vid. Im not a pro so sorry :P

If we do that let's wait until the proper idea comes around. Our first event should be memorable and brilliant.

Or we could put some tc on wars and make much moneys first, then host like a 50k first prize tourney or something that will really be competitive.