Awesome guys keep the clan thred active and more people will join shift, and welcome moodzy enjoy and awesome fresh clan! With an awesome leader!
I'm not sure what's happening anymore
thx SJ , i really hope dat too
↝In the name of Allah↜
↝Angels ツ my twin for ever↜
will i need , but i cant find some one , but i will soon , and thx Moodzy
↝In the name of Allah↜
↝Angels ツ my twin for ever↜
Originally Posted by moodzy View Post
ur welcome MudJad , and Darkerharder did u applied for the official ?

yep two week ago if i remember right:3
just a fancy signature
yeah , u applied 2 weeks ago , darker can u donate me 3k from bank pls
↝In the name of Allah↜
↝Angels ツ my twin for ever↜