Originally Posted by
QED, he believes homosexuality is a sin.
Leviticus 18:22
"Do not practice homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman. It is a detestable sin." (NLT)
Leviticus 20:13
"If a man practices homosexuality, having sex with another man as with a woman, both men have committed a detestable act. They must both be put to death, for they are guilty of a capital offense." (NLT)
Is this somehow unclear? In the eyes of Christianity, homosexuality is a sin.
Originally Posted by
A paragon for calling a different sexuality a sin that condemns its owners to hell. A paragon. You typed this.
His religion believes that. If someone does something you believe is wrong yet you still respect them, that is tolerance.
"I tolerate icecream" is only ever said in a humorous fashion, you can't tolerate something you agree with.
Originally Posted by
If what you respectfully disagree with is "being different is okay" then you should be ostracized.
What? How did you magically change the argument to something so random? Teach me your ways Imperial Wizard Boredpayne!
Someone should not be ostracized for respectfully disagreeing with ANYTHING. This is the problem with pro-homosexuals, they are, as a rule, intolerant.
Originally Posted by
Ah, absolutely absurd! Except for where it's exactly what he's saying: "Start with homosexual behavior and just morph out from there,"
What? Your alchemy of words strikes once again, it seems you are the one who is morphing the conversation and the words that you dislike.
Originally Posted by
Denying anti-heterosexual discrimination /is/ anti-heterosexual discrimination.
Originally Posted by
Totally missing the point. Looks like this time Imperial Wizard Boredpayne miscast invisibility, whoops!
Originally Posted by
What is South Africa.
Have you guys been fed extreme amounts of propaganda or something? Why do you have no knowledge of international issues?
Originally Posted by
I'm also sure there are many more black South Africans who had to live for several generations under Apartheid would like to have a word with you.
Why do you even say this? You think only discrimination against 1 group at a time matters? Discrimination against all groups matters. Why do you think because of apartheid blacks are /justified/ in their persecution of whites? They do not get a free pass. Do you think the current generation of whites who are being persecuted should get a free pass to murder blacks? Your line of logic is insane.
Blacks are the majority group in Africa anyway, so by your previous logic doesn't that mean that discrimination towards blacks does not exist? It's just black privilege right? Your logic doesn't really hold up...
Originally Posted by
Calling bullshit on your claim about the paper, because the very same page I mentioned says that their findings corroborates previous findings of another study that show that racial discrimination plays a factor in hiring. In fact, on that very page, "The rank ordering of groups in this graph is painfully revealing of employer preferences: race continues to play a dominant role in shaping employment opportunities, equal or greater than the impact of a criminal record." So don't go saying I'm stating any falsehoods when you're either outright not reading the paper, or you're going to be making some yourself.
I read the paper, read page 21. They outright say the study is inadequate to draw that kind of conclusion, and I agree.
Originally Posted by
Taking my words and pulling them farther than I say them. I did not say "ALL heterosexuals think that X," I said "TOO MANY heterosexuals think that X." This is not a prejudice, this is a statement of opinion. I have not lumped all heterosexuals into a group, heck I haven't even lumped the majority of them based on my wording. I said "too many" which could be as many as 1 person if I had a zero tolerance for that sort of thought. I'm stating that there are indeed people who think like that, and that their are too many who do think like that.
You are splitting hairs and grasping at straws. If I said "too many blacks commit crime" it would be considered racist.
Originally Posted by
And your arguments are completely anecdotal, whereas I've at least presented some evidence to support my side. So if you're going to say MY entire argument and perspective is based on anecdotal evidence, you better start posting some studies to at least make sure you aren't the kettle calling the pot black.
Pot calling the kettle black is the point, if you are presenting anecdotal evidence I will present counter anecdotal evidence. If you think that is 'good enough' then why shouldn't I do it too?
By presenting a mirror reflecting your own strategies, you an see why what you are doing is not valid.
Originally Posted by
No it's not. Again, you're taking my words and drawing them into places they are not describing. I have not attributed all whites to being more well off, to being racist, or to having easy lives, let alone that nobody is racist to them. You've made a mountain out of a molehill with this one. You even quote my sentence. Nowhere in it do I make any of these claims, I make the claim that this perceived discrimination when the white group as a whole has more benefits than other groups to begin with is the result of white privilege. Admittedly, I could have phrased it better, but you're taking my argument and making a strawman out of it to make you argumentation easier. I feel no need to defend myself from your claims because they are in no way representative of what I have said or believe.
Unfortunately despite what you may think, you are being discriminatory towards whites. Those who are accused of racism towards blacks find themselves in a similar situation where they believe what they said was completely fine and justified and not at all racist.
Originally Posted by
It has everything to do with perceived racism against whites. The white person who complains that Affirmative Action takes away from his chances to getting into college is blind to his white privilege. The white person who complains that black people are lazy and need to find a job are blind to their white privilege. By being born white, you have a statistical advantage to being born into a family that is not in poverty, into a neighborhood with better education, less likely to stopped by police regardless of actual criminality, and generally start off several steps ahead of people who are not born white, and have the benefits later on in life of being white, such as better pay, and more job advancement opportunities.
So having a higher statistical chance of being born into a good neighbourhood makes it OK for racism against whites to exist, because hey, whites had a higher chance of getting in to a good neighbourhood!
I think it's ridiculous that you think using white privilege as a proxy to discriminate against whites based on circumstances out of their control is acceptable, but discriminating against blacks based on circumstances out of their control is unacceptable.
"It's ok to discriminate against whites because they are born that way, but it's not ok to discriminate against blacks based on them being born the way they are". Absurd, and totally ignorant.
Originally Posted by
This is not a universal occurrence, but it is a majority occurrence. It is not the giving of free stuff to whites, but the given availability of said benefits to whites. And it's fair to say that not all of them are justifiably earned. A lot of these benefits come from centuries of systematic favoritism towards whites and systematic discrimination against non-whites. White people have had centuries to further their race, whereas every other race has been actively inhibited by Western civilization, in particular blacks.
It's not universal, yet you use it to generalise.
"blacks steal", it's not universal, but is it ok for me to use it to generalise?
Hopefully by holding a mirror to all your arguments you can see how discriminatory they are. Saying 'all whites are privileged because some of them live in good neighbourhoods' is as racist as saying 'all blacks are criminals because some of them steal'.
Last edited by ImmortalPig; Jan 4, 2014 at 02:37 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump