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I think you need to recognize there's two types of people that commit suicide. The whole temporary solution to a permanent problem type, and the logical type.
If you're dying of a fatal disease and you're told by your doctor they've exhausted all thier options to cure you and they tell you to go home, put your affairs in order, you're going to die and it's going to be long, painful, expensive, hard on you and hard on your family. What do you do in that situation? For many people, logical people, it's an obvious choice.
euthanasia is when they run out of options to cure and you decide to end your pain beforehand because it's worthless to wait for nothing literally. contrary to suicide, in these cases you are unable to do almost any action, which makes it more a physical problem than mental. if there was a cure to fix your physical you'd most likely still have hopes, and euthanasia wouldn't be one of your options. i have a relative who is currently on a vegetative state; he can't talk, see or move, but he's still alive. unfortunately i'm not close enough to him/that part of the family to know more about this situation.
speaking of families/friends, it would be guaranteed that they would know that you were in a horrible situation (which is totally understandable, since it could have been an accident or a coma), and since there's no way out of a permanent vegetative state, they would support you on your final decision.
now in suicide it's a bit more different in that aspect (at least this is how i see it): since suicide is mostly based on a personal mental point of view of life ("i have no reason to life", "my life sucks", "i can't go on like this"), and if your family/friends have never thought/knew that you see the world that way, obviously it will be shocking for them when they hear their son/daughter/friend is dead, because they weren't aware of the situation you were going through.
if you share these suicidal thoughts with your friend (assuming this friend is a good and supportive friend), he'll most likely convince you that things can work in other ways other than being pessimist. of course this doesn't always go right, depending on how your friend convinces you to change your mind and on how weak or strong you are about this.
among your family, if you are close to them, they'll probably help you out the same way as your friend, but sometimes some people aren't comfortable with their families to talk about their problems like that. this, and possibly not having any close friends to rely on can make you feel and think in a pessimist way, which can lead to suicidal thoughts (and think of it like it's the only way out of your misery).
apart from social conditions, it can also depend a lot on your living conditions, such as poverty, or any other decadent aspects.
to conclude, i agree that people should be free to decide if they want to kill themselves, as long as it's not just an attention call or a rushed decision. there might be other ways out