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Pledge loan
If someone need TC atm he can loan them from other guy and return more TC that he loned after some time. For be sure that TC will be returned the loaner send to creditor some items and if tc not returned in agreed time loaner owns the items. To prevent from creditor just take the items before time of returning they must be locked in credtor's acc. Safetrade system after little upgrade can be used for loans like this.
Example of request from loaner side: Loaner add pledge(items), amount of returned tc and time(lets say 2 days) when tc must be returned. Creditor check the items, time and sum. If he ok with that he add tc and updateinf loan request. Now loaner cheking updated request and if accepteing this his items locked in loan system for 2 days. If loaner didnt returned tc that have to return in 2 days, items unlocked and removing into the creditor's deactivated inventory.
Why cant user 2 make any other loan interactions? User 2 still has their own TC and they should be able to do as much as they want with it. It should only be User 1 that cant make any donations or anything.
Selling/buying tc or items? PM Flow!
This is what I see:

User 1 takes a loan out and buys a users force. The user who sold his force and is happy, gets tc removed because user 1 loan scammed and there is nothing anyone can do.

It's unfair and useless regardless
but loans are for getting things with the tc u dont have

so why would no transactions be able to take place in the meantime/
What if USER 1, with money that he requested, buys some items from USER 3. With the TCs that he just earned, USER 3 buys other things. And this repeats many times between many other users... It would be impossible and unfair to refund everything.

Not supported.
Originally Posted by WeppetKo View Post
What if USER 1, with money that he requested, buys some items from USER 3. With the TCs that he just earned, USER 3 buys other things. And this repeats many times between many other users... It would be impossible and unfair to refund everything.

Not supported.

I agree with what WeppetKo says. This could create a very unfortuanate domino effect. However, with a few tweaks, this could be good.

Not Supported, for now.
I'm just gamin' man
When someone has spent TC, even if it was loaned to them, there is never a guarantee that they will be able to get it back. That's usually how spending money works. Building a system around it wont change that, unless that system creates a whole lot of money to repay loans, or takes money away from other people.

If it creates new TC to repay loans, then it encourages bad loans. Also bans people?? Oh and it needs a much more intelligent system to make sure it's not exploited since it can generate TC (probably just heavy staff moderation).

If it reverses all transactions made with loaned TC then that's going to cause a lot of confusion. You'll have sold an item to a guy who sold an item to another guy who bought that item with loaned TC. A loan that he didn't pay off and got banned for not paying off, then as a result the transactions involving the TC from the loan get reversed so the money comes out of your account and back to the guy who gave out the loan. So you end up with one banned person who took out the loan and didn't pay it off, you and one other confused person who's inventories and balance have just mysteriously changed while transactions were reversed in order for the system to repay a loan, and one happy guy giving out loans without a care in the world who wouldn't even know how much trouble he just caused three other people. And this happy guy giving out loans is now inclined to do it again, because if his loan goes wrong, that's everyone else's problem.

I'm not sure of a third genius scheme. Both of the above have happened before, we already prefer to avoid and prevent these situations as much as we can. Hence "loan at your own risk"
Haha, this would be abused so hard.
Just give up with it,and if they do loan scam, you pretty much just get the items/tc on there account to even out to what they loaned, if they have nothing, you get nothing.
Like fish said, you loan at your own risk.
If you don't trust them enough to pay you back, then the obvious thing to do is not loan them.
ancient Moderated Message:
you've had the previous signature since 2019, i wonder how long it'll take you to notice this
Loan Feature
The first suggestion on adding loaning into the Toribash website
A quick google search told an entirely different story. /L

this feature will be setup in the following way;

1) Username "User your loaning to"
2) amount your loaning
3) amount of payback
4) amount of time to payback loan

You can check up on the loan you were given in the loan section, there will be a countdown timer to show you how much time would be left to pay off the loan, for the side of the person who was loaned the section would look some what like this;

1) Except loan (This is for pending loans)

then when you have a current loan the section would look like this;

1) Pay loan (This button will show up when you have enough tc to pay the off the loan)

then below would be the countdown timer
Last edited by Lazors; Nov 18, 2015 at 11:51 PM.