Christmas Lottery
Originally Posted by mwah View Post
just got word that floyd money mayweather is actually fighting our beloved deakmaniac

place your bets

Can I bet USD?
Because I know a surefire way to both get money and laughs.
goodbye cruel world
all on floyd. Close this thread before people steal my profits.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.
i bet all my cash on deak
he's got this in the bag nerds
don't talk to me or my dudes ever again
Originally Posted by DeakManiac
If anyone on here has done MMA and been in MMA fights, can you give a rookie some tips on the first fight?

Just play for fun, 1st few games you will just be flinging around and not having much control. More games you play leads to more experience and you will increase skill from there. Don't expect to win in your first game.
Originally Posted by DeakManiac
What will I expect?

You will expect a lot of random DMs and funny moments as you fly around and dq on your ass.
Originally Posted by DeakManiac
What will I have to do?

Erm, click joints. Mouse wheel masterrace.
Originally Posted by DeakManiac
What will all happen within the first 10 seconds?

You'll probably end up clicking a couple of joints by then, but don't worry though; reaction time is 20 seconds.
When in a serious fight, remember that above all, it's essential to be relaxed

Relaxing helps prevent against chancy dismembers and allows you to react with your opponents moves more fluently

Use a skeet on him and surprise everyone. It's sort of unsportsmanlike but it's pretty effective
endless around, infinite within. you step.
Get on all fours and growl every time he moves. It'll freak him the fuck out.

Also, you're a rapping marine who makes $500k a year, just tell him your life story and then sock him in the jaw the second his eyes tear up.

When you're fighting him when standing up, make sure you aren't facing him. Hits to the chest are allowed but hits to the back of the head and kidneys are discouraged so it's better if you aren't facing him.
well best thing to do in a fight is.
do a 180 and backflip away.
optional, do a 360 and walk away.
[06:53]Sissykick: my friend was the hottest drag queen in the group.
When your in the ring, call the cops. They will help you out. Hide the phone in your afro.
Chickster: I literally don't know why I did it.