hey my name is frandavi but you can call me franman.
belt:black belt
best mode:akido,greykido,lenshu,and mushu
contributions to the clan:Winning wars,and clan events,I am being very forum active latley 19+
post a day I love being interactive with my clan and giving them ideas I think of myself as a high spirited loyal leader but if it mean I must start from the the bottom I will.
ingame activity:9/10
forum activity:10/10
previous clans I was in velocity,VoC,and reborn.
why I want to join lux:A long time go when I was a blue belt I used to see you guys and I planner to work my way there a few weeks later I praticed so hard I made it into Voc one of the top 10 clans,but I remembered that I wanted to join you guys and so I'm here making a app for you I have been in two gm tournies and came in 3rd place out of 20 people i think i will be a good match for you guys and you guys fit my standards.
What are you ambitions for the clan:I plan take us to the next level and bring in strong members being a co leader is my dream and
war manager is what i plan to do for now
i plan for us to be become a official clan and win wars for us to get noticed
personal info-I'm a chilled guy
-I like activities
-I am always open to questions
-I am looking forward to a great clan
-And I'm a really fun and funny guy
so thank you for viewing my app.test me in game.
<3 love franman
Last edited by frandavi; Jul 15, 2014 at 08:05 PM.