Mani - Wasn't even a only part I liked was the movement you got off the ground

The other replay the dms weren't even boomed. 2 one frame and 2 the next.

And Replay Making grabs do ruin it and very significantly doing no grab shows your abilities meanwhile grabbing is like being cheap af especially when doing a manip. Don't even call yourself a replay maker.
The opener was a bit slow to start, but it picked up quickly.
I do have to agree with Dete, that it wasn't much of a manip.
The hit was pretty nice though.
Don't claim that you execute them nicely, seeing as you don't in anyway possible. Please tell me I'm flaming by calling you out on your pathetic excuse of a replay thread and most people hate your replays. I hear people say your terrible at least once a week(not even exaggerating). You don't have your own style, it's just a way to say that you aren't good but you want to be. There are people's own styles for example the difference in jaker and oblivion I'd their own styles, you're just plain not good. So stop using that pathetic excuse. If you actually had any what good replay making skills you wouldn't allow head taps and you might get some CnC from people who are decent instead of them just scrolling over your thread.
Originally Posted by Dete View Post
Don't claim that you execute them nicely, seeing as you don't in anyway possible. Please tell me I'm flaming by calling you out on your pathetic excuse of a replay thread and most people hate your replays. I hear people say your terrible at least once a week(not even exaggerating). You don't have your own style, it's just a way to say that you aren't good but you want to be. There are people's own styles for example the difference in jaker and oblivion I'd their own styles, you're just plain not good. So stop using that pathetic excuse. If you actually had any what good replay making skills you wouldn't allow head taps and you might get some CnC from people who are decent instead of them just scrolling over your thread.

I didn't bother reading this post because it was simply too long a paragraph of pointless angry words from an angry person, who probably was previously banned on a main. I want a mod to stop this guy from posting if he continues.

I would also like to emphasize that I replay-make for fun now, not for the sheer approval and acceptance of others. This means that I obviously do not go all the way in my replays, but I like knowing that I entertained somebody in the community with my replays when they leave a nice post on my thread. I don't really care when somebody doesn't think I'm good; but I do care when somebody blatantly posts on this thread looking for an argument rather then giving actually CnC. It's sort of silly when people take a game so seriously.
Last edited by Water; Jan 18, 2015 at 12:52 AM.
M8 don't even, these mods couldn't even ban all my alts. It's pathetic. If you think I'm mad you really aren't that bright either, are you?
Originally Posted by Dete View Post
M8 don't even, these mods couldn't even ban all my alts. It's pathetic. If you think I'm mad you really aren't that bright either, are you?

What a cool guy! Do you go and tell your friends how badass it is to go online and pointlessly make fun of people? You are ahead of the game, you are on top of the law!

Actually, you're just another unimportant alt doing what unimportant alts do. You've truly shown how little you know about replay making. Maybe making an alt would have been the better choice so you wouldn't have to embarrass yourself so badly on your main account (if it isn't banned).

Originally Posted by Dete View Post
Mani - Wasn't even a only part I liked was the movement you got off the ground


Originally Posted by Larfen View Post
Also also, you should shoot for the ballpark of 3-4 hits when doing a manipulation.

I counted 3 hits before the boomhit. I'd say Larfen would have more credible advice than you, but I could be wrong!

Originally Posted by Dete View Post
The other replay the dms weren't even boomed. 2 one frame and 2 the next.

I agree, quite unimpressive how he didn't meet up to your standards of dismemberments! Remember, if it's not a boomhit, it might as well not be even counted as a DM.

Originally Posted by Dete View Post
And Replay Making grabs do ruin it and very significantly doing no grab shows your abilities meanwhile grabbing is like being cheap af especially when doing a manip. Don't even call yourself a replay maker.

Was it different when pusga did it?

Just because you are extremely biased doesn't mean you are right. I wouldn't think the replaymaking community would want to have assholes like you, shooting down people out of jealousy. He met the standards of ORMO when he applied, who says he has to be consistent?

Discord: bicycleforrats
<[Obey]Quest> yall needa tap into my telegram on gad
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Hey, Water, (NiceFlames)
I think you're a pretty dope dude, and so are your replays.
Sheit, we go way back.
Just read over a msg you sent me asking for SP tips back when we were clan buddies.
Glad to see you're still around and have improved a lot over the year(s)
Keep it up bud.
just deleted a handful of posts responding to a blatant troll. use the report button in future instead of falling for the bait please friends
Damn Rai, my reply had cnc combined with it.

I'll summarize it. Manip is good, but it feels short, it seems more like a really stylish launch. I love the movement. Boom was nicely done, and I assume it's your style to not fuck up uke so much. Good job on that replay man.