somethings i dont think are equal... one, gay marrige, i dont even want to get into it, but its a relgious law, from a country known for freedom of religion... another thing is, mentally unstable people get treated like prisoners, but thats not their fault, they are people too... and third, whats up with the weed being legal in some states but not others, its kinda annoying that they are and we arent but whatever... and most importantly, animals and animal abuse, animals get abused everyday, we have organizations to stop it, but the thing is, breeds of animals are abused (like the pitbull for example)... not every pit bull is mean, like... i could have a husky, he could be a total bull-dog (im punny xD) but, seriously, he could be a fierce dog, but doesnt mean the breed is, same for pitbulls.. and, since im on this topic and already ranted for like 10 mins, we give animals a voice, we try to protect them, but, we hire people to kill insects, why... like, spiders are alive too, bees and ants are alive, ants live in colonies, who knows what emotional traits they have, like, if they experience a family member die, they could be emotionally distressed, and we sit back and hire people to kill all these innocent bugs, but we try to throw people in jail who abuse animals, just something to think about
by the way, i didnt specify if im with or against gay marrige... what i mean is, i agree that gay marrige should be allowed in all states, and it's banned only because of peoples beliefs in their religion, cristianity, other religions dont care about it, but apparently we made a statement, in the declaration of independance or whatever the hell it is, the legislature, whatever, that we should have freedom of religion and religious beliefs, and that the US will not enact religiously what so ever... so.. why, why the laws that come from whats stated in the bible. it's total bulldog, more puns
Last edited by mikyo; Nov 9, 2014 at 04:55 AM.
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