So I was on Night 5 on FNAF, and suddenly all the animatronics just start rushing at me all at once. Bonnie and Foxy were on the left door, while Chica was on the right, and Freddy, I didn't even know where he came! So I was closing both doors, used up a lot of my power, and I was left with 10% on 5 AM. The power, draining out fast. And 5 AM had just came.
They were STILL there. My power dies, and I prayed for the love of god to just end 5 nights. AT LEAST. Freddy was already glowing his eyes and singing that retarded old ass song. And then, no light at all. I waited and waited. But 6 AM didn't come! Ermergerd Scott, why you gotta leave me here like a sitting duck ;-;