Originally Posted by deprav View Post
Well, the same way you do it now, rehab, addiction meetings, psychologist, sub products (which would be way easier to propose in a legal environment). Except they wouldn't have to deal with street dealers and (even more) dangerous products etc...

Less diseases & contaminations, less risks, less violence, more visibility to the society, it would be easier to have a contact with addicts to pull them out from their conditions. That's the human thing to do ; in opposition with law enforcement and legal punishments, like jail time in overcrowded prisons & consequent fines for people already having issues, which is the fascistic thing to do, and we're doing it right now.

"Drug acceptance and normalization", you talk like it's a new thing. We've probably been doing drugs back to the time we were still nomads, maybe even apes.

Edit : also, you can't ban drugs. The "War on drugs" led by governments has been going on for decades, even with the anti-drug task forces improving their efficiency during those years, drug sales and consumption never went down, it probably went up.

You are just about right:

The main problem with drug usage, and why the distinction between legal and illegal drugs is necessary, narrow down to three factors: how addictive; how toxic; and how profitable.
How addictive and toxic are pretty straightforward, there's nothing that the media hasn't blabbered on and on about this subject: some drugs simply are more "dangerous" to people; and, ever since representative democracy was established, laws have been formulated, edited and signed with that in mind.

Even though I left how profitable to the end, it is intertwined with the previous factors, for how toxic and addictive the drug is interferes directly with how profitable an industry based on selling the drug is. That is why, for the most part, alcohol and tobacco are legal drugs: they can make you an addict eventually, but until then you will have already bought so many bottles of beer and packs of cigarettes that it doesn't really matter. In the other hand, the drug Krokodil... (NSFW, strong images, gore, search at your own risk, you have been warned, I am not legally responsible for any damage made to you, etc)

That's why it is necessary. Where the A drug is legalized, an industry will eventually be built around it and the usage will be normalized and the issues with abuse will start. If said drug were to be extremely addictive, and extremely toxic, it represents a danger, be it to the health care system, or to the industry itself. More to the industry than anything else, in my opinion, for it's not profitable to have a business with a scare ruining your product.

How do you stop underage kids from selling it, or using it? Start a cultural revolution that advocates a set of morals and values that reject the usage of substances in the shallow way that they have been used, with a population that is very condemning of hedonistic pleasures and-- You don't. Ever since old grandpa's days when they would go to the local gas station to try and steal beers and cigarettes when the owner wasn't looking and until the human race decides to steer away from it as a collective, the only thing you could do to stop it is by enforcing a police state with 24/7 surveillance of what every individual is doing and a massive police force to ensure that no one does something illegal. And even then someone might sneak some weed to you when no one is looking.

Drug abuse is a subterfuge, and greatly so for underage people. Run away from reality for a night, high on LSD with the fake ID inside the club with your friends. Get stoned at your buddy's basement, if you don't want the hassle. Or just lock yourself in your room with the 'shrooms, or in front of a camera with Salvia.
It's fun, it lasts for some time, and when it's over, you want more. There's no escape from your pathetic existence. So you go for it again. And again. Until you're a shell of what you once were.
Last edited by JayWS; Oct 20, 2014 at 11:50 PM. Reason: Forgot a thing or two.
^ This is because it is a social issue not a criminal issue. People will keep doing it because they think it is OK.

Legalizing it is a terrible solution.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Legalizing it is a terrible solution.

The reason why the US government has put so much thought into the legalization of marijuana is because it's a low-risk/high reward drug. It's not addictive in and of itself, seems to have superpower medical capabilities, and sells like hotcakes. Putting it in government hands allows it to be taxed and regulated, and subsequently helping out with the national debt.

Other drugs, such as LSD, cocaine and meth aren't so lucky this way because while the latter two have a very lucrative industry behind them, they're also much more dangerous. Meth is dangerous just to MAKE, for pete's sake. These drugs will never be legalized, just because there is no way the government will actually profit from it without risking the whole industry every time they make more of the drug.
All it takes is one bad day to reduce the sanest man alive to lunacy. That’'s how far the world is from where I am. Just one bad day.
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
The reason why the US government has put so much thought into the legalization of marijuana is because it's a low-risk/high reward drug. It's not addictive in and of itself, seems to have superpower medical capabilities, and sells like hotcakes. Putting it in government hands allows it to be taxed and regulated, and subsequently helping out with the national debt.

"in and of itself" in other words, it is addictive...
"low-risk/high reward" for the US Gov't, maybe, but for the average drug user, they get none of the reward and all of the problems.
"superpower medical capabilities" this is a reason to allow it to be studied and used by medical professionals, not by everyday people.
"they will get money" sure, same thing if they taxed anything. Would you advocate legalization of murder if it was taxed?
Originally Posted by hawkesnightmare View Post
Other drugs, such as LSD, cocaine and meth aren't so lucky this way because while the latter two have a very lucrative industry behind them, they're also much more dangerous. Meth is dangerous just to MAKE, for pete's sake. These drugs will never be legalized, just because there is no way the government will actually profit from it without risking the whole industry every time they make more of the drug.

As with pot, they are only dangerous to the one taking them and those around them. There's no danger to the government itself and they stand to make a lot of money.

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
No, that was adressed to gorman.

It's not though. People do drugs because they think it's OK. A societal shift is all that is needed to remove drug abuse. We've seen it countless times in these threads, people think X drug is harmless, they enjoy X drug so it must be fine right?! They spew conspiracy theories and whatever else. Often their parents or others were drug users and that's how they got involved.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
It isn't addictive.

With weed there is only reward, if you don't feel chill smoking weed then don't.

How would you go about taxing "Murder" We've already thought of many ways to distribute weed in safe environments and came up with ways to make the Weed "safer"
Murder is just murder.
I grab a knife and plunge it into your stomach pull it out then repeat. You can't tax that and it's not like weed is killing people on average like cigarettes and alcohol or fast food.

And of you think lighting up a joint is endangering you And your fellow circle of friends you couldn't be more wrong. The danger is Cops and the area you decided to light up you're not going to get jumped or stabbed over some weed or well maybe if it was pound.

Smoking a piece o leaf from the Earth or Drink fermented intestinal destroying substances and Lung shrinking death sticks. I actually positive there is more danger surrounding these drugs. As cigarettes are Highly addictive and if you ever watched people quit it's like they are kicking hard drug they get pale, bitchy they don't eat right, and some even puke. Weed doesn't do that. Drunks trying to quit suddenly will get sick to.
Dahahaha, man you're just too much. I think it's written in the forum rules : when you don't know a damn thing about a subject, you avoid participating to the discussion to spout garbages & missinformation. That's exactly what you should do when the main subject of the thread is drug/drugs.

You've never done drugs, you've probably never seen anyone doing drugs, you probably don't know anyone using drugs, I'm pretty sure you've never seen drugs others than tobacco and alcohol with your own eyes.
(it's from the other thread but it looks good here)

People do not do drug because "they think it's ok". I've known and seen many people with addiction issues, some to a dramatic extent, and they all knew it wasn't OK. They all struggle(d) against it. Each drug user has its own "reasons" to use. From the regular pot smoker smoking 1 joint in the evening for to relax or giggle with friends, to the dude who fell into hard drugs after a few years of partying too much - the slow slide, or that girl with irreversible health issues that just wants to escape daily reality, or the douchebag football-player who wants to be the MVP of his next match and even if he knows it's not ok, might keep doing it because he loved that feeling on the field etc...

A societal shift is all that is needed ? simple as that? please show me how you shift society gorman, I want to learn. Also, ain't making drugs legal to actually have an eye and say on their use and users a big societal shift in itself ?

"We've seen it countless times in these threads, people think X drug is harmless, they enjoy X drug so it must be fine right?! They spew conspiracy theories and whatever else."

What the fuck are you even talking about ? Please gorman, please. Stop "contributing" to drug related topics.
Last edited by deprav; Oct 22, 2014 at 09:07 PM.
if 15 tril doesn't work then the obvious thing to do is use 30 tril sarcasm now adays the only thing i can think of that will help is informing kids that some drugs may reduce mhmhhmhm size
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
It isn't addictive.

With weed there is only reward, if you don't feel chill smoking weed then don't.

And of you think lighting up a joint is endangering you And your fellow circle of friends you couldn't be more wrong. The danger is Cops and the area you decided to light up you're not going to get jumped or stabbed over some weed or well maybe if it was pound.

This isn't true, weed has a ton of negative effects.

Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
How would you go about taxing "Murder" We've already thought of many ways to distribute weed in safe environments and came up with ways to make the Weed "safer"
Murder is just murder.
I grab a knife and plunge it into your stomach pull it out then repeat. You can't tax that and it's not like weed is killing people on average like cigarettes and alcohol or fast food.

You could tax murder, and just because cigarettes and alcohol kill people doesn't mean weed should be legalized.

Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
Smoking a piece o leaf from the Earth or Drink fermented intestinal destroying substances and Lung shrinking death sticks. I actually positive there is more danger surrounding these drugs. As cigarettes are Highly addictive and if you ever watched people quit it's like they are kicking hard drug they get pale, bitchy they don't eat right, and some even puke. Weed doesn't do that. Drunks trying to quit suddenly will get sick to.

People do have withdrawal symptoms from quitting weed.

Just because it came from the earth doesn't mean it's healthy, or at least not harmful. There are thousands of poisonous plants in the world.

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
(it's from the other thread but it looks good here)

(I realize)

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
People do not do drug because "they think it's ok". I've known and seen many people with addiction issues, some to a dramatic extent, and they all knew it wasn't OK. They all struggle(d) against it. Each drug user has its own "reasons" to use. From the regular pot smoker smoking 1 joint in the evening for to relax or giggle with friends, to the dude who fell into hard drugs after a few years of partying too much - the slow slide, or that girl with irreversible health issues that just wants to escape daily reality, or the douchebag football-player who wants to be the MVP of his next match and even if he knows it's not ok, might keep doing it because he loved that feeling on the field etc...

People don't do things that they know is not OK. For example T0ribush above thinks that pot is harmless. Even though he knows it is illegal, he probably thinks it's fine and harmless.

Originally Posted by deprav View Post
A societal shift is all that is needed ? simple as that? please show me how you shift society gorman, I want to learn. Also, ain't making drugs legal to actually have an eye and say on their use and users a big societal shift in itself ?

No because they you don't fix the problem of drug abuse. People need to realize that drugs are harmful and have negative consequences and that it's not acceptable. Normalization of drug use is the cause of the problem.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
^ This is because it is a social issue not a criminal issue. People will keep doing it because they think it is OK.

Legalizing it is a terrible solution.

Drug legalization does not make the usage rates go up it makes them go down.

Take a look on how:

And even hardcore evidence within other countries:
Last edited by TheLostCarrot; Oct 23, 2014 at 05:55 AM.
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