That study showed that the group who took steroids and didn't exercise at all gained more lean muscle mass, tricep size, and quad size sitting on their couch than a bunch of people who were working out. That is to say that the drugs actually matter more than the exercising. Obviously taking steroids AND working out combined hold a better result than just taking steroid. And yes before you point it out- the strength of those who trained in Squats and Bench Press went up more than the men who didn't lift but were using testosterone.
Just for the record: I'm 100% for the legalization of anabolic steroids. I'm also 100% for the use of anabolic steroids, prohormones, IGF-1, insulin, Clenbuterol, Albuterol, HGH, and DNP. Yes, taking steroids "isn't enough" to take you the distance, but they give you a serious advantage and those who preach you need a stellar diet and exercise routine to make use of anabolics else it's "pointless" are people who are either trying to rationalize why they aren't juicing or trying to rationalize their use as something requiring immense discipline.
Obviously it's more important for you to lift weights than it is to inject yourself with steroids for performance purposes; however, you're vastly underselling steroids. A guy on an unorganized unmonitored diet with a sub-par workout routine taking anabolic steroids will well outperform a solid diet natural athlete if they have similar genetics. What I'm actually trying to say is:
Yeah, training is more important than steroids, but taking steroids is so important that you can do a crappy job with your diet, your exercise, and your sleep and get better results than a natural athlete who's disciplined and nailing that stuff down perfectly ASSUMING they have the similar genetics.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Oct 28, 2014 at 06:55 AM.