Getting kind of sick of people just linking random links and expecting that to suffice as an argument.
Originally Posted by DrHax View Post

This scientific study disagrees with you.

No, it doesn't.

It directly supports my argument. Compare group 2 and group 3 on bench-press and squatting exercises. Group 3 have an 11% better improvement than group 2 at bench-press (comparatively), and NEARLY DOUBLE the improvement at squatting than group 2 (again, comparatively).


Please DrHax, at least read your links before posting!!!!!!!

Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
Same principle, different methods.
I doubt it was any easier for cavemen to kill mammoths or sabre-teeth. Or any easier for African tribes to hunt elephants now a days.

As well, not all civilizations have used drugs. We don't see any during aboriginal times or the revolution. As well as none during the stone and dark ages.

Just doing your normal everyday things is not exercise.

We are talking about exercise as specific training. If ancient cavemen trained their sprinting, practiced throwing spears at targets, etc, then maybe we can say it was like a naive ancient form of exercise.

But it's absurd to compare something like that to modern training methods and the sheer volume of training.

Drugs have existed in aboriginal times in many civilizations though. Perhaps we should allow drugs only for them?
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
That study showed that the group who took steroids and didn't exercise at all gained more lean muscle mass, tricep size, and quad size sitting on their couch than a bunch of people who were working out. That is to say that the drugs actually matter more than the exercising. Obviously taking steroids AND working out combined hold a better result than just taking steroid. And yes before you point it out- the strength of those who trained in Squats and Bench Press went up more than the men who didn't lift but were using testosterone.

Just for the record: I'm 100% for the legalization of anabolic steroids. I'm also 100% for the use of anabolic steroids, prohormones, IGF-1, insulin, Clenbuterol, Albuterol, HGH, and DNP. Yes, taking steroids "isn't enough" to take you the distance, but they give you a serious advantage and those who preach you need a stellar diet and exercise routine to make use of anabolics else it's "pointless" are people who are either trying to rationalize why they aren't juicing or trying to rationalize their use as something requiring immense discipline.

Obviously it's more important for you to lift weights than it is to inject yourself with steroids for performance purposes; however, you're vastly underselling steroids. A guy on an unorganized unmonitored diet with a sub-par workout routine taking anabolic steroids will well outperform a solid diet natural athlete if they have similar genetics. What I'm actually trying to say is: Yeah, training is more important than steroids, but taking steroids is so important that you can do a crappy job with your diet, your exercise, and your sleep and get better results than a natural athlete who's disciplined and nailing that stuff down perfectly ASSUMING they have the similar genetics.
Last edited by Bodhisattva; Oct 28, 2014 at 06:55 AM.
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Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
That study showed that the group who took steroids and didn't exercise at all gained more lean muscle mass, tricep size, and quad size sitting on their couch than a bunch of people who were working out. That is to say that the drugs actually matter more than the exercising. Obviously taking steroids AND working out combined hold a better result than just taking steroid. And yes before you point it out- the strength of those who trained in Squats and Bench Press went up more than the men who didn't lift but were using testosterone.

Since those that trained were able to perform better than those who used steroids, this proves that training is more important than steroids.

That was the whole argument, and the study supports it.

Originally Posted by DrHax View Post
Obviously it's more important for you to lift weights than it is to inject yourself with steroids for performance purposes; however, you're vastly underselling steroids. A guy on an unorganized unmonitored diet with a sub-par workout routine taking anabolic steroids will well outperform a solid diet natural athlete if they have similar genetics. What I'm actually trying to say is: Yeah, training is more important than steroids, but taking steroids is so important that you can do a crappy job with your diet, your exercise, and your sleep and get better results than a natural athlete who's disciplined and nailing that stuff down perfectly ASSUMING they have the similar genetics.

No, I said "training is much more important than roids" and as the study you linked demonstrates, that is correct.

Your claim that doing everything sub-par but using roids will make you perform better than someone who does everything right but doesn't use roids is contentious at best. Not that it matters - the argument isn't "should roids be allowed for those with sub-par exercise routines", it's should they be allowed at all.
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
Just doing your normal everyday things is not exercise.

We are talking about exercise as specific training. If ancient cavemen trained their sprinting, practiced throwing spears at targets, etc, then maybe we can say it was like a naive ancient form of exercise.

But it's absurd to compare something like that to modern training methods and the sheer volume of training.

Drugs have existed in aboriginal times in many civilizations though. Perhaps we should allow drugs only for them?

All of humanity has had to train to get better, the only difference now is that some people do it for entertainment and not survival and we have better technology to do it with. Training is still training; no matter the amount of time put in.
Just because we spend hundreds of hours running or practicing archery, do you think it was any easier for any civilizations before us? They had to do the same thing.

I just said that not all civilizations have used drugs for training purposes. Nothing else, so you might want to stop taking points that don't exist in statements.
Originally Posted by LeLight View Post
well as I said with the chris benoit case. it jeopardizes your health

1) Anabolic steroids don't enlarge organs. Human Growth Hormone does. They are very different.

2) Chris Benoit didn't kill people because he took steroids. Steroids don't turn you into a lunatic. Being a lunatic makes you a lunatic, adding steroids just makes you a lunatic with big triceps.
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Originally Posted by Dscigs View Post
All of humanity has had to train to get better, the only difference now is that some people do it for entertainment and not survival and we have better technology to do it with. Training is still training; no matter the amount of time put in.
Just because we spend hundreds of hours running or practicing archery, do you think it was any easier for any civilizations before us? They had to do the same thing.

I just said that not all civilizations have used drugs for training purposes. Nothing else, so you might want to stop taking points that don't exist in statements.

You said training is fine because most civilizations trained, well most civilizations used drugs so by your logic shouldn't drugs be allowed?

I don't really see the point of limiting ourselves to neolithic technology, what does this even accomplish?
<Faint> the rules have been stated quite clearly 3 times now from high staff
Originally Posted by ImmortalPig View Post
You said training is fine because most civilizations trained, well most civilizations used drugs so by your logic shouldn't drugs be allowed?

I don't really see the point of limiting ourselves to neolithic technology, what does this even accomplish?

I was merely pointing out that drugs and extreme workout technologies are not the only avenues you can possibly take, as some people seem to think. I'm saying it's the actual training that makes a difference.
Steroids can help, and there's no difference between using them because it's essentially at it's simplest just super-packed bacon. In competitions they should be banned, to give everyone a fair chance at winning. Most probably the guy who trains and takes steroids will be able to win out over the guy who doesn't take steroids because one guy is building muscle mass far more quickly then the other.
Absolutely nothing is fair about what is natural. Steroids are actually a step closer to fair than what natural has done for us.

One person can have double the testosterone of another person, it's not fair, but it's true. And neither would be allowed to get a prescription for TRT in the states even if they wanted.

An excerpt from my Exercise Physiology class: "80% of sport's performance relates directly with genetics. There are even some who care considered 'non-responders' who simply don't improve their performance through exercise".

If we drug test our athletes every week, and actually gave them a set amount of steroids, then it'd come MORE down to their work effort than the randomness of what's natural. It'd actually be more fair.

Ethics aside of course.
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