Originally Posted by Augans View Post
Do you do anything besides try to persuade someone of an opinion they already have?

Um?...No I was replying to my opinion. Why would I be persuading someone else? I'm simply talking about how computers help me and so on. I'm on the computer almost everyday for things like these too. I don't waste time. I use all of it on the forums or in-game. The topic simply is "Are we too dependent on computers".
Originally Posted by JayXManHD View Post
I don't waste time. I use all of it on the forums or in-game.

nice concept of time use

Yes, nerds, I'm sorry to say this but the internet is faux life support for all of us in our own way. It's not a good thing, it's detrimental to our health in a few ways if you look into wifi exposure and such, it kills or reduces social abilities (with people who don't play toribash and jerk off to ponies), and it just puts you deeper into the hole of internet addiction. Get off the internet some times, get some exercise, get a girlfriend, finish school. You'll thank me.
You say that exposure to wifi only kills those who a) don't play toribash and b) jerk off to ponies, neither of which are common attributes for people you find on the toribash forum. Therefore there is a near zero percent chance that wifi will kill anyone who actually read you post. This is lucky, although it is likely that the resultant disgust after reading the pile of shit you vomited out and called a post would kill them before wifi ever could anyway. I would be hard pressed to find a party with kids in my social sphere which did not include copious quantities of alcohol, a great deal of which ends up in aforementioned kids livers. This alcohol has been proven to not only create long term health issues (as some argue screen time does) but also pose a threat in the long term. In fact a lot of kids find it hard to fully socialise without drinking and even if they have no problem socialising they are likely to drink because getting drunk is fun and social. I am not saying you have to be an alcoholic to have a social life, just that it is hard to be fully social without causing just as many health issues as computer games do.

Being social=sitting in a room with friends talking about random stuff.

Gaming=sitting in a room staring at a screen doing random stuff.

I admit that gaming does not make you as charismatic as face to face interactions with other people, but it can be a lot less taxing of your mental state. The amount of social anxiety related disorders in our generation is appalling. To me this indicates that kids care too much about what the people around them think rather than just finding their own way through life. Not everyone is socially confident and not everyone finds it easy to make friends in real life. obviously locking themselves up in their rooms and disappearing into the internet won't help that but it is nice to have somewhere to retreat to.
Good morning sweet princess
I will make 1 post and 1 post only so that no one gets mad at me. I say no because Car Manufacturers still incorporate Humans in the Process.
Originally Posted by Augans View Post
To sum it up, if someone's happier on the computer, let them be.

Fucking hell augans said something that I can stand by and agree with. Literally as long as they're causing nobody else harm and have at least some days out to socialize then I don't really see a big deal. on terms of impact on life it does keep you away from most things you would be compelled to try due to peer pressure or trying to fit in such as drinking occasionally, take drugs often etc...
Life's not a waste of time and time's not a waste of life so let's stop wasting time, get wasted and have the time of our lives - Mr Worldwide 3:18
Originally Posted by JayXManHD View Post
Um?...No I was replying to my opinion. Why would I be persuading someone else? I'm simply talking about how computers help me and so on. I'm on the computer almost everyday for things like these too. I don't waste time. I use all of it on the forums or in-game. The topic simply is "Are we too dependent on computers".

Then why did you quote my post?
hi guys '

i am a 25 year old male , im what most of you would call a jock or douche i dont know.
i do weight lifting and play multiple sports ,i weight 250 lbs 6ft5 at a low bodyfat percentage,so by the way we see things a person like me shouldnt even bother with a computer i can get social interaction wthout even trying,popularity is no problem ,im a alpha male in the real world if you wanna put it that way.people in rel life expect me to be emotionally and physically strong at all times ,thats the way i present myself.

but i have a mental issue ,aanxiety problems ,deppresion a alcholic mother and turning on my pc knowing there is a vast majority of ppl ready to talk ready to let me be whomever i want ,people who will let me be scared and say its ok not ur too weak thats comforting.

to know that whatever i need to know is online.i didnt have a dad growing up and my mom as i said was an many things a child needed to be taught i did not receive,but i google from how to shave your face to freaking how to drive a car .
i used to joke saying google is my father.actually meaning it in a sense.

i am no computer nerd nor a jock im a mix i use each of both worlds that suit me best.

What im getting to is i think balance is best, i know computers may be bad for your social life ,maybe health ,but the stress i save myself by chatting online ,or the panic attacks i prevent ,in the long term will cause more damage to me than this lil computer could in a few hours a day. so ive taken to the lesser of two evils if you will.

i am dependent on computers definitely, but by saying "too " puts a negative stigma on it.
its like everything else in life "too much of a good thing is a bad thing
Last edited by risen25; Nov 5, 2014 at 11:49 AM.
If there is no enemy within,the
Enemy outside can do you no harm.
All i do is play my computer in my life, so there is one thing i want to say Never try a computer in your life it Will kill you And Everyone Remember Computer Is Love Computer Is life
i am constantly on the computer mainly to escape from reality i have more friends on line then i do irl (so do most people but thats not the point) computers are the best legal way to escape from reality