Well, to me, this is the worst change that happened in the servers. Why? Simple:
First, You just can't choose the mod you can play, that sounds like selfishness, why? Well, sometimes, you just want to change the mod, and well, you can't anymore.
Second, I'll never see my high ranked~low ranked friends in the tourney, i'll be obliged to play with my rank people, which sucks, you just don't have more differences.
Third, Well, I'm in the server room now, and, it's empty... No even a poor lost soul there. I like, to play judo, And i know a bunch of people from Tourney4 old server, that played judo, because it is a simple mod, that you don't need to be a pro, to play, and you can have a lot of fun, just watching people being "judoed", I didn't saw judo being mentioned there, besides of a lot of other mods.
And for these motives, it looks like, every tourney player has been punished, and sentenced play a mod, you may not want, to people that you may not know, and wait half an hour, to play a tourney.
After this, I'm really considering leave toribash again, I know, that one player might not be important, But i'm pretty sure, that i'm not the only one.
Sorry If there's any English Mistake, Secondary Language.