Duck: It's a really good replay. Decap plus double knee dm'd was amazing. Please teach me how to do those kind of replays.
Sure, it's been a while since I last played LoL. I don't even know if I can play that shit anymore. I'll probably just feed people the whole match. :P
How do you guys even play that?
I've tried and it's a bit confusing.
For starters, you can use -30 gravity and a higher ED so you can get accustem to yourself and experiment. You can also look at Larfens CnC series. Its not about his replays, but you can learn a lot from his CnC, thats for sure. Making a replay thread is also good for starters, some useful cnc will be put there. And then you just go and make replays. You can ofcourse stay in the -30 zone, thas fine, altough some people like me prefer either -9.82 or -20. You can also see if you want to be good at tricking, madmen, parkour etc. It also helps (this is from my experience) to set yourself some passive goals like "Do a madman", "Do a doubleknee", "Do a boomhit" or "Make it through this parkour trail", "Make it look realistic" and so on.