hey guy's you said free-form so i'ma do a real free-form cx
my name's Brendan Weaver (ingame name just call me mit or mitsu, please) i'm 15 ATM
currently blue belt although my old acc was a 3rd dan
(message kill135634 if you'd like to confirm) i switched mains a while ago so i'm blue and that's that ouo
on another topic, i'm in the Eastern U.S. for my Timezone.
i had bounced around between clans for a while, first i was in (AoC) ((angels of chaos))
and after i had left to explore a bit so i came to an at the time low clan which is now fighting for 1st with all the other top clans
(nos) was it when i first joined, you may know them now as [NITRO] don't
bother confirming it because only one dude remembers me from nitro cx
and after that i had roamed clan-less for a bit, i then came across a few of your members
one of them being a man i call "zett" you can confirm with him if you'd like
long story short i had came here today to try to be with the clan get some new friends and hopefully help win wars!
i don't work currently although i am applying for a job soon, my ingame/forum activity is about a 5/6
depending on if i get distracted by xbox or working with my family
there's not very much interesting about my life besides the fact that i had moved around all over the east coast for about 3 years
because of my family's work and things like that,
i don't have very much artistic skill besides a novice guitarist, i had always been a bit of a rough player so i got pulled out of school at a young age
(rough being that fighting full force is fun for me and my friends)
so after that i had been placed in homes-chool for a while and i had been moved from everywhere between Florida and Maryland mainly in maryland (currently living)
Florida, Virginia and West Virginia. if you'd like to know a psychological standpoint of... well... ME :3
i'm a sick joker, me and my friends always fuck around and put on our "hood" talk and go
"aye yo i''n da bawsess niga in da wholest evy weah fo rea mayn like fuck mayn i'mda bawsass nigga ayn i' pop a cap in yo bishass buttho if you sahss udawise"
or we just go in our highest voices possible "ahheeeeeeeeeeeuuuuuuuuuuu" in front of random people cx
my skype is mallieman1010 if you'd like to hear it c;
so yea i'm a bit of a... hmmmmm............ OH YEA, i'm a sociopath cx
my favorite mods are wushu greykido and any sparring/parkour mod EVAR!!!
so if you'd like to know what i do with my life mainly, i sit on my ass, play video games (XB1), workout, play toribash and watch youtube.
so yea that's about all i can think of, without rambling for hours cx
i'll post some replays before i finish this sexy MESS off cx
(no hugs...) is a bit glitchy but i had to edit the /em on it because if not it would've just said "or i will bring you down with m"
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Last edited by mitsunagi; Mar 18, 2015 at 06:33 AM.
Reason: swagg added