I know I was saying that for future refrences. Just in case on of the leaders quit and you guys needed a backup. Also there are other ways of making tc for the clan video for instance a bet lobby. Joining tourneys and stuff like that. But do not send out a global it will just be wasting more tc.
I was just wanting it to look cool I will get a screenshot and send it to you on monday but I want my whole body in it and a cool shader to match the picture.
Also sqynt do you know how to allie clans because my old clan shikia and its members are very nice and respectful.
Also I am going to post my player card next week for the members section of the clan.
How long am I on trial for.I also wanted to know if anyone in the clan had q skype.
Also you could just just use the profile pic i already have and make it look better. And then pm it to me.
Last edited by Dope; Apr 8, 2015 at 04:35 PM.
Reason: <24 hour edit/bump