You absolutely killed it with this one. You really need more people keeping an eye on this thread D:

The whole replay felt driven and purposeful. And I'm pretty sure that's good. It didn't seem like you wasted a whole lot of movement jacking around, it was fast efficient and brutal. The only little bit that I feel went against this was the shoulder dm in the beginning, but take all of my CnC with a grain of salt. That crotch boom was perfectly placed during the replay, and I thought it was awesome that you managed to carry the crotch block to your hand for that skeetcap, which was perfectly executed. I actually don't think this needed a pose, simply because you ended with a skeet. If you posed at the end it would have distracted the attention of the viewer away from the skeet and to your tori, which would have been a shame, because it's a wonderful skeet.

I'll make sure to tell a couple friends about this thread and hopefully get you a bit more attention, you deserve it. Keep up the good work!
Lovely replay Static me lad.

The opener was ok. Pretty standard though. You could spice it up a little, add a lil' bit of good ol' retardation factor. But alrighty, what's done's done. xD
You did twitch your knee while tucking it at about frame 460. No biggie.
The rest of the faff was gorgeous. You had some neat spins, flips n' shit. Enjoyed it.
Your legs were stiff at few points but again, nothing too major.
Decap was neat even though it didn't feel that powerful.
Pretty dank replay, Static me lad. Pretty dank replay indeed...
ORMO|Replays n' stuff|RIP Monk