You absolutely killed it with this one. You really need more people keeping an eye on this thread D:
The whole replay felt driven and purposeful. And I'm pretty sure that's good. It didn't seem like you wasted a whole lot of movement jacking around, it was fast efficient and brutal. The only little bit that I feel went against this was the shoulder dm in the beginning, but take all of my CnC with a grain of salt. That crotch boom was perfectly placed during the replay, and I thought it was awesome that you managed to carry the crotch block to your hand for that skeetcap, which was perfectly executed. I actually don't think this needed a pose, simply because you ended with a skeet. If you posed at the end it would have distracted the attention of the viewer away from the skeet and to your tori, which would have been a shame, because it's a wonderful skeet.
I'll make sure to tell a couple friends about this thread and hopefully get you a bit more attention, you deserve it. Keep up the good work!