I've being playing for 1 month and is a black belt, I want titan force, but HOW DID YOU GET IT FOR 6 (FUCKING) TCS, also
From American oxford
infraction |inˈfrak sh ən| noun a violation or infringement of a law, agreement, or set of rules. DERIVATIVES infractor |-tər| noun ORIGIN late Middle English : from Latin infractio(n-), from the verb infringere (see infringe ).
infraction noun leaving the grounds before noon is an infraction of the rules | Hurley has been cited for another infraction violation, contravention, breach, transgression, infringement, offense; neglect, dereliction, noncompliance; Law contumacy.
and I too have got an infraction for posting help, I mean it's useless but come on maybe some GUY scrolled too fast, because they didn't have time to read, just plain bullshit, no offense to TAs