Secret Santa 2024
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
Your idea of someone "knowing" a mod is that they are an absolute top tier player in that mod. For example how can you say I dont know lenshu when in CL I went approximately 50/50 in lenshu against some top tier clans. Sure Im not the absolute top tier at it, but to say I dont know the mod because im not top10 is pretty dumb. I can easily argue that RKMMA/lenshu are pretty much alike. The gravity and TF are a bit different but the gameplay style is still pretty much the same. Feet first lunging. In greykido/ABD the focus is quite different, most greykido games end in out of the ring dq and in abd inside the ring. That shapes the gameplay to something very different.You are just so god damn cocky that you don't think people other than yourself can give proper input to issues.

You attempting to explain how the mods are the same just proves that you have no knowledge of the mods.

But i am in the camp that we can have both greykido and abd and even aikido. Same with RK and Lenshu. Why not have both?
Originally Posted by FistofLife View Post
You attempting to explain how the mods are the same just proves that you have no knowledge of the mods.

But i am in the camp that we can have both greykido and abd and even aikido. Same with RK and Lenshu. Why not have both?

Im not even gonna try to talk with you. You dont use arguments, you just dismiss others instantly. You are so god damn proud that there is no way that you will listen to anyone except yourself. Have fun in your echo chamber.
Im not saying that there cant be both. That was not what I was saying at any point. You just seem to have some comprehension issues. I was only responding to the argument that greykido and ABD are almost identical. I was not arguing against having them all.
Last edited by cowmeat; Aug 22, 2015 at 07:20 PM.
Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
Im not even gonna try to talk with you. You dont use arguments, you just dismiss others instantly. You are so god damn proud that there is no way that you will listen to anyone except yourself. Have fun in your echo chamber.

I asked why can't we have both? Is there a problem with both TK and ErthTK. Seems logical to me and everyone would be happy. Instead of just cheap insults why not respond to the question.

RK and Lenshu play out so differently because of the dojo size and gravity, RK-MMA is a much more aggressive mod where as lenshu can be much slower paced and defensive.

In RK-MMA often there is not time to set up for comebacks using the crab / turtle styles. RK-MMA is a much harder mod in my opinion as little mistakes are often punnished. Example would be if you "choke" in lenshu then you often have time to recover without to much danger. But if you choke in RK you will frequently end up getting pushed outside the dojo.

Originally Posted by cowmeat View Post
I was only responding to the argument that greykido and ABD are almost identical.

I never even said this at all or anything close to that. I know the mods are very different so thats why having both is great.
Last edited by FistofLife; Aug 22, 2015 at 07:26 PM.
Ok so this is how this thread looks: Hax wanted to get a mod list for matchmaking system, snake rushed in and started suggesting his own mods (because everything made by him is obviously better), everyone ended up arguing if greykido is similar to abd.

I seriously don't know why none of you suggested a variation of valetudo as aikido/greykido replacement if you all complain about shovels there. Either use one of them or slightly modify greykido's engagedistance. Don't make your own completely new mods with some weird settings that make fights messed up (like erthtkv2 does with its random dms thanks to selfdamage that always resulted in that) - because they are only fun for you.

Even though I agree that regular wushu running / aikido shoveling are a problem when speaking of "competitive" play, all the other mods you have here can be abused aswell.
In rkmma you get low and lie on the ground up to the moment when your opponent reaches you - then you kick the shit out of him and he flies away. Lenshu3ng is abused the same way lenshu3 was - you kick in the first frames and then lie on the ground, sometimes kicking the opponent when he reaches you. Erthtk is a mess, I'm not even going to speak about it - even Erth says it's bad which should mean something to you. Aikidobd is one of the most popular mods - yet if you find someone who can lift as good as Leyz did he'll wreck anyone with any fighting style. Never played that snake's variation of spiritwresling (most probably because it's bad as it has 3.5k games played since 2012 - AND because swfixed was created later and got noticeably more popular) but swfixed looked like the only mod that is more or less "competitive" as you define it - but that's probably because nobody plays spiritwresling. Seriously, the original mod and all its modifications have only ~160k games played combined.

If you want to get a system that players would want to use - please come up with good mods people play and suggest easy ways to fix them if needed rather than creating your crazy-ass fl0w-approved mods that only snake will play.

Also why no judofrac in the list - or some fl0w_esport_judo variation?

Originally Posted by Fistoflife
RK-MMA is a much more aggressive mod

Also this is hilarious. A mod designed to be played as "wait until your opponent makes a mistake" is now considered to be agressive.
Last edited by sir; Aug 23, 2015 at 01:15 PM.
Honestly, mods should be created based on the opinions of the community. It's no secret that the mods already made are flawed and the mods created by certain players benefit those player. I say start a mod from scratch and test it out with the top players, and see what the majority of competitive players think about the mod and if it's agree'd upon then add it. If not then don't.
Originally Posted by sir View Post
snake rushed in and started suggesting his own mods

go through the whole thread, find and names of mods i suggested, then check what are made by me.

in whole thread i suggested spiritwrestlingfix.tbm, which is indeed made by me, rest was discussion

before you bother to reply, get your shit straight and don't waste my time reading it.
tell me about aikido
~referencing Dark Souls in suicidal threads since 13/01/15
I seriously don't know why none of you suggested a variation of valetudo asquality and wip/greykido replacement if you all complain about shoAikvels there. Either use one of them or slightly modify greykido's engagedistance. Don't make your own completely new mods with some point, settmight notthat make fights messed up (like erthtkv2 does with its random dms thanks to selfdamage that always resulted in that) - because they are only fun for you.

I personally never heard of it. One thing I've noticed with the community in general is that it's really hard to promote a mod. Why? Several reasons.
1) the current mod rules doesn't allow "modes". (which is a simple result of people putting low effort into their mods)
2) the gamemasters rarely promote new mods. (at least not what I've seen. If it's a new mod, it's usually a gt mod)
3) the massive mod list full with low quality and wip mods discourages exploration.
4) the community is conservative and doesn't pick up on mods unless their friends introduce them.

Now, how is a mod supposed to get exposure under these conditions? Your argument that people don't play these mods might be a result of this. Also, mods evolve partly as a result of new techniques , but the staff and community seem completely set on repressing that. To prove my point, you suggested a mod I've never seen in any server as an opposition to new mods being created. You also seem to have a personal issue with snake even though he is one of the largest innovators of the game. (you might not like what he does but that's a different issue)
You also seem to condemn most popular mods. So I'm curious: which mods are you in favour of?

I should say that one side of this argument has argued to sacrifice fun for competitiveness, and the same side (not the same person) is arguing for the same mods because competitivity should be sacrificed for fun. Maybe it's time to consider if they aren't two sides of the same coin.

Now, after reading through the thread, I've seen that the goal is to have few mods, and people are arguing which variations should be official. From my perspective it's quite simple. Mods that are similar go in the same group. When matchmaking, a random mod is selected from the group. You might not get the mod you want every time, but it's better than not being able to play your mod at all.
My idea of grouping goes something like this

Striking: (can be replaced with deprav's variants)

Spiritwrestling (insert variation here)

Tk (can be excluded)
Kickbox (or one of the other variants)

MMA: (aikido with focus on damage)
Greykido (replaces aikido)
Runkido3 (dunno if abd players would mind this or not but I'll keep it here as an option)

Go nuts I have no idea what the majority of the wushu community thinks
Last edited by Lazors; Aug 23, 2015 at 04:00 PM.
Brendan (he who passeth judgement on the frequent changing of signatures): I don't do hentai anymore
Originally Posted by sir View Post
Ok so this is how this thread looks: Hax wanted to get a mod list for matchmaking system, snake rushed in and started suggesting his own mods (because everything made by him is obviously better), everyone ended up arguing if greykido is similar to abd.

I seriously don't know why none of you suggested a variation of valetudo as aikido/greykido replacement if you all complain about shovels there. Either use one of them or slightly modify greykido's engagedistance. Don't make your own completely new mods with some weird settings that make fights messed up (like erthtkv2 does with its random dms thanks to selfdamage that always resulted in that) - because they are only fun for you.

Even though I agree that regular wushu running / aikido shoveling are a problem when speaking of "competitive" play, all the other mods you have here can be abused aswell.
In rkmma you get low and lie on the ground up to the moment when your opponent reaches you - then you kick the shit out of him and he flies away. Lenshu3ng is abused the same way lenshu3 was - you kick in the first frames and then lie on the ground, sometimes kicking the opponent when he reaches you. Erthtk is a mess, I'm not even going to speak about it - even Erth says it's bad which should mean something to you. Aikidobd is one of the most popular mods - yet if you find someone who can lift as good as Leyz did he'll wreck anyone with any fighting style. Never played that snake's variation of spiritwresling (most probably because it's bad as it has 3.5k games played since 2012 - AND because swfixed was created later and got noticeably more popular) but swfixed looked like the only mod that is more or less "competitive" as you define it - but that's probably because nobody plays spiritwresling. Seriously, the original mod and all its modifications have only ~160k games played combined.

If you want to get a system that players would want to use - please come up with good mods people play and suggest easy ways to fix them if needed rather than creating your crazy-ass fl0w-approved mods that only snake will play.

Also why no judofrac in the list - or some fl0w_esport_judo variation?

Also this is hilarious. A mod designed to be played as "wait until your opponent makes a mistake" is now considered to be agressive.

Its always nice to hear from a clown that goes in game once a month and has played 0 competitive games in his life tell us all about what mods are good and bad. Sir you don't add anything to this thread other than talking a load of shit you pulled from your ass. Toribash is the way it is because of clowns like you running it.

"please come up with good mods"

Lenshu, RK, TK, ErthTK, Aikido, Greykido, ABD, JudoFrac, SW.

All the good mods have been said about 100x.
Now, how is a mod supposed to get exposure under these conditions? Your argument that people don't play these mods might be a result of this. Also, mods evolve partly as a result of new techniques , but the staff and community seem completely set on repressing that. To prove my point, you suggested a mod I've never seen in any server as an opposition to new mods being created. You also seem to have a personal issue with snake even though he is one of the largest innovators of the game. (you might not like what he does but that's a different issue)
You also seem to condemn most popular mods. So I'm curious: which mods are you in favour of?

My argument is that forcing people to play new complicated mods they've never heard of in ranked fights would be horrible. First make a mod and get it popular, then suggest it being used in ranked rooms / matchmaking.
valetudo is a mod that isn't really played now but older aikido players heard of it (I'm pretty sure at least snake did). Anyway, the thing isn't that I suggested valetudo to be used instead of aikido but that the simplest way to fix shoveling issue is to make engagedistance higher. Yes the gameplay won't be the same but at least you won't have to explain a regular player all the settings with a wall of text / charts / images.
No issues with snake (even now when he doesn't bother to read my post and pretty much breaks discussion rules but whatever), it's apparently him who thinks me and hampa are the same person and thus behaves weird. He's got some good suggestions sometimes but he can't stand any criticism and that's usually the reason why he isn't taken seriously.
As for condemning most popular mods - I don't think I do that. Yes I think that erthtkv2 is bad and I proved why earlier, that's probably the only currently popular mod that I dislike and don't understand why it's even being suggested as a competitive substitution for taekkyon. Other mods are more or less fine from my opinion but it weirds me that the group of people "trying to make toribash competitive" take some of them out and suggest replacements that either make you cry because of how boring they are to play or suggest substitutions that have the same exact problems.
Also quick note: if a mod makes you play the only way modmaker wanted it to be played, it doesn't mean it's good.

Originally Posted by FistofLife
"please come up with good mods"

Lenshu, RK, TK, ErthTK, Aikido, Greykido, ABD, JudoFrac, SW.

They're used widely (except for spiritwrestling) now, so what's the purpose of this thread then? If it was to prove that the current choice of mods is fine - why is this discussion a thing?
Last edited by sir; Aug 23, 2015 at 04:27 PM.