Originally Posted by RAAAGE View Post
anyone who can't except that you can die from using cannabis is just plain ignorant, just because there are no legitimate articles with documented proof that cannabis has been directly linked to deaths does not mean anything
you think scientists document the lives of stoners?
you think anyone would want to fund that?
you're spreading misinformation dude, it's lame.

Ah yes, WE'RE ignorant

let me define ignorance for you

-lack of knowledge or information

hmm? do you have any information or knowledge to back your claim? no, you say it yourself. "just because there are no legitimate articles with documented proof that cannabis has been directly linked to deaths does not mean anything" what a perfect example of ignorance.

Please read the following:

"Tetrahydrocannabinol is a very safe drug. Laboratory animals (rats, mice, dogs, monkeys) can tolerate doses of up to 1,000 mg/kg (milligrams per kilogram). This would be equivalent to a 70 kg person swallowing 70 grams of the drug—about 5,000 times more than is required to produce a high. Despite the widespread illicit use of cannabis there are very few if any instances of people dying from an overdose. In Britain, official government statistics listed five deaths from cannabis in the period 1993-1995 but on closer examination these proved to have been deaths due to inhalation of vomit that could not be directly attributed to cannabis (House of Lords Report, 199. By comparison with other commonly used recreational drugs these statistics are impressive."


"An exhaustive search of the literature finds no deaths induced by marijuana. The US Drug Abuse Warning Network (DAWN) records instances of drug mentions in medical examiners' reports, and though marijuana is mentioned, it is usually in combination with alcohol or other drugs. Marijuana alone has not been shown to cause an overdose death"


Seeing as drinking too much water can even kill you, i don't doubt that it is possible to die from marijuana use. Quite frankly anything can kill you. Although, to simply go around claiming the ignorance of others, whom have provided "legitimate articles with documented proof that cannabis has [not] been directly linked to deaths" is on a level of ignorance of its own. This has gotten really out of hand. It's meant to be a discussion not a let's argue until the other takes my side thread. Let us please return to discussion :-)

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No one can actually smoke that much weed to kill yourself, you would green out and start throwing up before anything serious happens, or even before that you'd be so baked all you want to do is sleep and you' pass out for awhile. You'd have to be locked in a room anD gassed by weed, but I don't the smoke would kill as much as the lack of oxygen.
Last edited by T0ribush; Mar 7, 2016 at 09:11 PM.
Originally Posted by T0ribush View Post
No one can actually smoke that much weed to kill yourself, you would green out and start throwing up before anything serious happens, or even before that you'd be so baked all you want to do is sleep and you' pass out for awhile. You'd have to be locked in a room anD gassed by weed, but I don't the smoke would kill as much as the lack of oxygen.

Yet me posting you can die from the same things you can die from a cigarette due to cannabis burning four times more intense, strong enough to burn off the cilia at the back of your throat, has gone right over your head.
Also, passing up and throwing up can kill you by choking on your own vomit. It kind of makes sense. You know, the way you do.

sources: Studies, websites, et cetera.
Also common sense.
i did post this but it says about the lungs:

inhaling marijuana smoke

although you are probably right,it could be because of the resin
and the plant matter that would require higher temps to burn,
but i can't find a source regarding that,only boiling point temps:


also some info
for tobacco temps:

Temperatures reach 900C during a puff and fall to about 400C between puffs (Guerin 1987).
Puffing burns the tobacco on the periphery of the cigarette,
and tobacco in the core burns between puffs (Johnson 1977; Hoffmann et al. 1979a).

And nicotine boils at 247 C according to wiki.
If you could post some of these studies that say
about how cannabis burns hotter,that would be great.

i did found this though:
and as i reread the first posts,it seems your points have been answered iportal,the article about the 4 times the tar is a fake
as pointed by SkyWhale and duck,it just seems that you forgot about it or choose to ignore them?
Last edited by nikosefs; Mar 9, 2016 at 09:26 AM.
I think a lot of it is based on the assumption that when you smoke cannabis that you'll use a roach instead of a filter and hold the smoke in, unlike ciggies
or because bongs don't remove tar from what I've read
Smoking Out of Vaporizers is a lot more common nowadays and you can hardly tell you're taking a rip.

Logic dictates Cigarettes are far worse. It's like comparing the inhalation of smoke from a tree on fire to inhaling exhaust from a car, both are bad but one is obviously worse.
The psychological effects of cannabis (anxiety relief in most cases,but paranoia in some)are generally preferable to the psychological effects of cigarettes (stress) imo
Originally Posted by Syll View Post
The psychological effects of cannabis (anxiety relief in most cases,but paranoia in some)are generally preferable to the psychological effects of cigarettes (stress) imo

you're comparing the effects of the cannabis high to nicotine withdrawal.

cannabis withdrawal can include anxiety, depression, insomnia and some other crap. it also lasts a lot longer than nicotine withdrawal ime.
although you do need to be addicted for withdrawal to occur.
Originally Posted by Syll View Post
The psychological effects of cannabis (anxiety relief in most cases,but paranoia in some)are generally preferable to the psychological effects of cigarettes (stress) imo

I'm not sure that you understand comparing a high to a low. And source(s) on any of what you've just said? Cigarettes give anxiety and stress relief too, you know. You're (as Raage said) comparing a high to withdrawal.
I hadn't seen that, Niko, thanks for showing me.
Last edited by iPortal; Mar 13, 2016 at 01:15 AM. Reason: <24 hour edit/bump