Secret Santa 2024
Yes and no.

If I was confident enough to be 100% sure there wouldn't be a repeat then sure, but since I know I would I've steered clear.
Been a long time, but even so the allure is deffo still there.

On the upside, other than mushroom season (you don't need to walk far from your front door here to find them growing wild) you'd have a hard job getting anything locally now. Helps when you can't get hold of things.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
^ Legit, Probs the best thing I have read on the matter. Prettttty much sums it up
Rythm smells like Cheese
Originally Posted by Smaguris View Post
By legalizing something you don't take it off the streets, all you're doing is running a controlled market that some may or may not chose to switch to. Black market is home to multi-million dollar businesses of weed in US, and in fact even as of now black market generates as much as $100 billion dollars annually from weed sales

Removing a degree of legal control over a specific good or service does negatively impact the black markets in those areas most of the time from what I've seen. For example, the black market for healthcare in Canada vs the United States, where healthcare is socialized a lot more in Canada. Also, the black market for alcohol also diminished by a significant degree after 1933 in America. Of course the black market will always exist for almost everything that can be obtained illegally.
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post
Hi hi, I'm going to chime in.

I'll kick off by saying I'm not against it, but I can provide life experience that isn't going to match what people tend to say or think for that matter.

I'm one of the few people that had a legitimate "problem" with LSD and it's many derivatives, and while I don't have a problem with the decriminalization of it, I do have experience.

6 years of solid use of it worth of experience - literally. Every day, from 13 - 19 I was off my tits via it. You can toss in the occasional other substance, but Acid (the primary method of selling LSD at the time) was my main go to. It's best to consider this as me tripping my balls off 9 - 5 lol.

Obviously, as someone in the UK that means it covered almost all my time in high school through college and beyond.

While people will say you can't get physically dependent on it (aka what people consider addiction), you can very easily become psychologically dependent - something that seems to be an unspoken bullshit thing now. Just as much as you can easily become psychologically dependent on the weirdest off things. Even fapping can cause a psychological hook akin to addiciton. (lolol)

And as someone who had to go through rehab to get clear, that should say a lot.

Of course, I'm not going to say it's physically an issue, so long as you're mentally sound enough to keep a lid on it, but it can cause problems, and I've while I never had any particularly negative experiences during that time, I've known many people who werern't that lucky.

Past tense applicable because they're long dead.

Lets just say that what you read, and what you personally experience isn't necessarily tied to the outcome, and with LSD and things based on it you really do need to have a good head on your shoulders for it to not go wrong.

RIP all too many people.

I will rel-literate though, despite never personally having a negative experience, although having issues getting "free" from it; I've also had a lot of negatives due to people that weren't able to cope with what it entails.

Add that sadly there's far too many people that'll get dosed and hop in a car or do something else dumb that ruins it for everyone else.

On the other hand, I honestly wouldn't have made it through my teens without something; and despite the whole 'if you're in a bad frame of mind don't take it' rule that tends to be attached I not only got through a frankly shit period of life, I pretty much thrived during.

Feel free to say I'm biased, but I honestly don't regret it even after the hell of meeting reality after.

/drunken old man rambling about his past

How much were you doung lol? Everytime i take hits for a few days its lije it dosent work anymore and you have to take 3 or 4
I recommand doing it every few months or so.
Pm me for deals
Originally Posted by Insanity View Post
How much were you doung lol? Everytime i take hits for a few days its lije it dosent work anymore and you have to take 3 or 4
I recommand doing it every few months or so.

No different to any other substance, you build up a resistance and have to either increase the dose or switch it up.
It kinda capped out after a few weeks, and I'd basically just keep it rolling until the desired effect was reached. It was a pretty ridiculous amount, but wasn't a particularly expensive habit to maintain. /richkid

OFC this is the 90s we're talking about when rave culture was at it's peak in the UK & the corresponding drugs were not only cheaper - you didn't have the worry of getting random crap tossed in (unless you were a smack-rat).
Hell, even Ecstasy was guaranteed to be MDMA rather than the current lucky dip of caffeine, amphetamine & if you're lucky MDMA.
It was a very different time for drugs.

But yeah, IMO everything in moderation; unless you've got some serious wallet to back it up lol.

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you
Yo I ain't never done did LSD or whatever but I did do DMT once and had a break through my first time or whatever, don't really remember much shit was crazy
Anyways we should legalize everything and just let Darwinian natural selection run its course before reestablishing all former laws and seeing how society has changed, if the change was positive repeat step one every couple dozen years or so

Need help? PM me!
إد هو العاهرة
Originally Posted by SkulFuk View Post

6 years of solid use of it worth of experience - literally. Every day, from 13 - 19 I was off my tits via it. You can toss in the occasional other substance, but Acid (the primary method of selling LSD at the time) was my main go to. It's best to consider this as me tripping my balls off 9 - 5 lol.

Not saying your lying but I can't see how this checks out. If you were taking it every day, even after a month you would have to be taking like 1000s of UG a time. After years are you doing like 10,000ug a go?? At that point it would become very expensive, even buying it in bulk off the dark web. This would have massive phycological effects on you as well surely.

Maybe it was the other substances you were doing that were having the effect, or your tolerance to acid was so high that you didn't really trip so to speak. Its a pretty big claim your making so what dosages were you doing

Check this out
After 1 day of doing just 100ug the next day you would have to do 280ug to get the same effect. And your talking about years of daily use
Last edited by FistofLife; Aug 3, 2018 at 02:56 PM.
Actually my tolerance to drugs in general is meh at best, unlike alcohol which is have a rather ridiculous tolerance for.

There's a few other potential factors involved that I wont go into great detail in for personal reasons (even I keep some things private), but there was a large amount of medication involved which may have had an effect.
(among it were sleeping pills and a verity of anti-depressants that were switched regularly due to adverse reactions)
Kinda funny the shit doctors were willing to shovel down someone's throat to fix a problem back then; thankfully not something they do now due to better regulations.
It could be that it eventually came down to other things, like after a while it was more placebo effect than anything.
Another likely outcome would be bad gear + placebo for a few days, then back to working gear, which when we're talking about a young teen is possible.
There's a verity of possibilities, and I'm sure it'd easily pass the post size cap listing them all lol.

To address the psychological state... That wasn't good in the first place, and didn't improve until I was eventually booted out by the parents a few months after I hit 18. Take from that what you will.
I do have pretty bad anxiety issues these days but that could be attributed to many things. Never had any schizophrenic problems, and aside from typical teen "I'm gonna get caught" shit, paranoia wasn't really a factor.

The dark web bit made me laugh a bit, the UK barely had working internet in general until the mid->late 90s, it was pretty much just corporate sites back then.
(yes we did have internet access before then, but it was borderline pointless to have, so we'd direct dial BBS' instead)
Everything was via your friendly local dealers where drugs were concerned.
And of course the pricing was very different, even maintaining a smoking habit was rather easy for teens with 20 cigs being around £2. Same applied to most drugs, it can be pretty shocking to see the price on most these days. Seems weed is the only one that hasn't really changed much.

I honestly couldn't tell you specifically how much was involved in dosages, unlike now people didn't bother with knowing exactly how much of something was in what they took. Hell, we didn't even know numbers for things like that existed - info exactly freely available, especially in a relatively cut off area. (west cost of Cumbria for reference)
At the time we were supplied with what was locally known as "acid tabs", or as people call them now - blotters. £5 landed you a sheet around the size of 2 business cards, each tab being roughly the size of a pinkie fingernail. As to what dose that worked out at each - who knows? They were easy to stash & did the job, about all that mattered.

As stated in my previous post keep in mind that I do fall into the born with a silver spoon category, so cost simply wasn't an issue. Poor little rich kid eh?

<Erf> SkulFuk: gf just made a toilet sniffing joke at me
<Erf> i think
<Erf> i think i hate you