me personally i wish there was more counter play when ur getting smacked around for 20 minutes locked into a 30 hit combo, all i can rlly do is spin the di wheel around and spam spacebar and hope for the best, most of my fights so far usually end up with me watching myself get ragdolled majority of the match, and if thats just the design then so be it ill just have to get gud, toribash plays similarily but you gotta play tb for like 7 years to get to the point where u can lock your opponent up like that, maybe something like if you click uppercut on the opponents side, and he does the uppercut itll be like a combo breaker and lets u get some hits in, instead of relying on when u have a burst or being locked behind frame advantage
then again idk the game enough and im probably just shit
Last edited by Kirito; Dec 27, 2023 at 11:10 PM.