What Microsoft tends to do is make their OS more "pretty" and userfreiendly if you may.
If you are trying to run a business or an email/company server, DO NOT use Vista. It has been proven that it has performance problems.

If you are just using a laptop or just using like Microsoft Word or something on your PC then Vista could be for you. Userfriendly and "pretty" but nothing special in terms of performance rates and that.

And yes Gorman it does take up 40gigs on yo system for Vista OS alone, because they have tried to add nicelooking apps and such, instead of focusing on making it more streamlined.
If i am not making sense then i am sorry, but i am very very tired.
Originally Posted by Splinter View Post
I have vista and it works awesome on my comuter. And its a laptop.

What does that have to do with anything?

If anyone claims that you suck at Vista because you don't have a laptop equavilient to a powerful stationary computer, they are mentally severed and one should attend to putting them to sleep ASAP.

Who the fuck makes an OS that you have to buy a new, top-notch computer for anyways?
Someone who expects that people upgrade their hardware like they do their software?

I bought my PC for $700 six months ago. It can run Crysis on high. Learn to shop, people.
mmmm, runnin on Windows7 Right now on a partition. I like it so far. Once I got the gfx drivers for it, everything was smooth

The taskbar is a little weird to get used to, but overall this is nice.
5:13 PM - vasp: everybody's nuts is so good
[00:18:38] <&vespesi3n> you should see when i swallow
[21:49:37] <&vespesi3n> >my mouth when
[21:49:43] <&vespesi3n> >my tastebuds when
That's probably the thing that seems the most iffy to me about Windows 7. I want text in my task bar. The command line does not scare me, and I like to have some words around. Not to mention it seems thicker now.

Meh, I'll probably adjust and love it.

I love XP, except it refuses to work with my $120 laser mouse. I need to see a benchmark between XP and Windows 7 before I make up my mind on the beta.

Originally Posted by CMon View Post
Who the (bleep) makes an OS that you have to buy a new, top-notch computer for anyways?

I love this

A lot of Windows 7 was made from feedback of customers, and I can understand it now.

Looks like Vista, feels like XP and more new stuff and is much cleaner and faster, I find the new taskbar easy to use. It reminds me of the Mac taskbar too.

Everyone stop saying, "Windows 7 IS going to suck", that shows everyone that you haven't tried it or/and you just can't see the great difference.
Windows 7 is already out-preforming vista which is why i'm using it right now; it does have some glitches though but less than vista(game compatability right now) but it does have a new task bar at the bottom lol.
Originally Posted by Clbck View Post
Someone who expects that people upgrade their hardware like they do their software?

I bought my PC for $700 six months ago. It can run Crysis on high. Learn to shop, people.

I completely agree with you. Exept for the fact that SLI makes crysis worse... so whenever i wanna play crysis i have to take my other graphix card out lol.
Last edited by Yourface; Jan 15, 2009 at 01:25 AM.
Originally Posted by Stonewall View Post
That's probably the thing that seems the most iffy to me about Windows 7. I want text in my task bar. The command line does not scare me, and I like to have some words around. Not to mention it seems thicker now.

Meh, I'll probably adjust and love it.


What purpose does the text serve, really? I keep a lot of windows open at once and this is much better organizationally.