i know there is in real life but in combat if your out of ammo and have to get someone from far away, your combat knife just might have to do
so i thinks its going to be your ctual melee knife,
then you have to melee with the butt of your gun, wich will probaly take 2 hits
^ Spelling Fail.
If you gun-butted someone right in the face it might knock them out or kill them, but i dunno about the kinfe thing you wouldn't throw away your only defence/weapon
well throwing a grenade away might be your only defense weapon but you would still do it for a kill right?

well have to see but in my eyes thats the only fair/logical way to do it
^ Spelling Fail.
thats what i figured

and i doubt they would make it an add-on
that would give poepl an unfair advanyage who spent more money on the game
^ Spelling Fail.
Well... saying this because as a PC gamer I'm quite pissed but...


No dedicated servers is bullshit. I'm not paying extra money for MW2 if it comes with matchmaking. That's console crap. Not to mention they recently threw a curveball saying the PC release was delayed (though luckily they retracted that). What the hell is it with companies and screwing PC players up the ass?
nyan :3
Youtube Channel i sometimes post videos of other games
w8 just to clear this up modern warfare 1 and 2 is based in the very near future in like 2011
Mei fati dominus, mei animi dux
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Originally Posted by OrAclE View Post
Well... saying this because as a PC gamer I'm quite pissed but...


No dedicated servers is bullshit. I'm not paying extra money for MW2 if it comes with matchmaking. That's console crap. Not to mention they recently threw a curveball saying the PC release was delayed (though luckily they retracted that). What the hell is it with companies and screwing PC players up the ass?

I was gonna post that 2 days ago, but couldn't find the thread. Looks like I'll be pirating this one.