I love how everyone thinks the monkey is barrack obama... it took me like 20 minutes to figure out what you guys are bitching about...
Its like that episode of south park where the kids are trying to stop them from taking down the school logo, which is two guys laughing at another guy who is getting hung, however the stick figure being hung is colored black, but the kids don't see it as a racial issue. The news paper just saw a monkey, but america sees a blackman.
I didn't even know a monkey could represent a blackman, I must have missed that this past black history month, mah bad.
My point is you guys are getting pissed over a monkey being shot, its a monkey, as in the person who wrote the stimulus plan was, or had the IQ of a monkey.
Exactly. People in this day and age are so damned paranoid about being racist, it's ridiculous.
You make a good point with that, man. But as a society we have to have standards, even if this IS just about the real incident with the monkey, it killed an old lady. I know this is the internet and all and everyone has to be tough as nails on here, but really there is nothing ok about this.
@jaredvcxz: Possibly, but probably not. Then again that is a whole other can of worms. After all, thousands of innocent people haven't died under Obama... yet. So he doesn't really have as much scorn directed at him.
Really, if you take something that has nothing to do with race and force it to be about race, that's a form of racism.
And an idiot for thinking that Barrack Obama wrote the bill in the first place.
xD yes, yes he did send them. To Afghanistan, the place all of our troops should have been from the get go. But he also has a plan to leave and is really only cleaning up Bush's mess.
I guess I see your point about people overreacting, but on the same token I think that you are speaking from what you know of life. To say that it is paranoid to see racial overtones in the cartoon is a bit short sighted in my opinion. I am guessing you don't know what its like to have an entire histories worth of hatred directed at you simply because of your skin pigment, if you did you may be a little bit more sensitive and angry about the matter.