o fet quand l'admit ta répondu Sure knock yourself out il voulait dire que c'est bon
et je m'inscris mon post arrive prochainement ( ptetre aujourdui )
Edit: voila mon inscription
Name: Ppt
Story: No one knows when or where Ppt was born not even himself... in fact everything before a summer day when he found himself half naked almost drowning at sea is a blur... he was a wel built 30 years old man finding himself incredible physical abilities. some day while he was wandering in a dark dampen street he saw an old man who was about to get hassed by a couple of guys .it showed up that the old man was a mixed martial arts master who took Ppt under his wing after beating those smuggler’s asses. he trained and taught Ppt the art of fighting... In a Dojo he once met some guy who belonged to a clan called Fr_Death who asked him if he would join then in their quest to make a French independent Torination. There he is ready to fight.
si vous avez besoin d'aide en traduction les gars dites moi je suis près a aider. mais faites le savoir vite svp
je suis aller check le truck du toriquest et il n'y a que 26 joueurs sur 60 d'inscri mais a mon avis il y a au moins 3-4 teams qui se preparent il faudrai se depecher pour s'inscrire
Last edited by ppt; Mar 1, 2009 at 10:11 PM.