Christmas Lottery
Euh, faudrait peut-être qu'on s'active, pour inscrire notres / nos Teams ...

car la, ça commence a se remplir
hampa has sent you 300000 toricredits.
J'ai fait une traduction très boiteuse de l'histoire a toritrip !
Je vous demande une petite correction svp ! (vins, Kyat aidez moaaaaaa)

Name: ---------Unspecified-------------

First Name: ------------Toritrip-------------


Toritrip is a man who has bad felled the war and the army, he was a russian boy, his family died and he was shocked for the rest his life !

He became a "orphelin?", during long years he "vogua?" from "adoptiv family?" to "adoptiv family?"...

One day, his adoptiv father engaged him in the army...

Toritrip lived that very bad and leave russian to France ...

He goes in the "Légion étrangère" learn the fight, the discipline... after his military service, he begin again his life and goes in a group of activist!

For take over his new fatherland !!!!


He is unstable by instants, he can be very very very angry or very very very nice the second after !

He know how to fight, he is very determined to take over our territory

He have a lot of Experience and he always adviser his Team mate !



Last edited by Kelvin0; Mar 1, 2009 at 09:07 PM.
Vins n'est pas le meilleur en anglais ^^
je réserverais ça aux "vieux"
(Kyat, Melmoth, Fyerrblad...)

activiste = activist
hampa has sent you 300000 toricredits.
o fet quand l'admit ta répondu Sure knock yourself out il voulait dire que c'est bon

et je m'inscris mon post arrive prochainement ( ptetre aujourdui )

Edit: voila mon inscription

Name: Ppt

Story: No one knows when or where Ppt was born not even himself... in fact everything before a summer day when he found himself half naked almost drowning at sea is a blur... he was a wel built 30 years old man finding himself incredible physical abilities. some day while he was wandering in a dark dampen street he saw an old man who was about to get hassed by a couple of guys .it showed up that the old man was a mixed martial arts master who took Ppt under his wing after beating those smuggler’s asses. he trained and taught Ppt the art of fighting... In a Dojo he once met some guy who belonged to a clan called Fr_Death who asked him if he would join then in their quest to make a French independent Torination. There he is ready to fight.

si vous avez besoin d'aide en traduction les gars dites moi je suis près a aider. mais faites le savoir vite svp

je suis aller check le truck du toriquest et il n'y a que 26 joueurs sur 60 d'inscri mais a mon avis il y a au moins 3-4 teams qui se preparent il faudrai se depecher pour s'inscrire
Last edited by ppt; Mar 1, 2009 at 10:11 PM.
Ppt merci mais c'est une formule toute faite?
(Meme le sens en devinant laisse pas paraitre sa...)
J'vais edit my story donc Symbiote powa!

I think that you know
(and worse if you know: SNY)


sny was at home.
he had the slab, it would kill to have a pizza!
but as there was no money to pay even a full texture set plus a pure force
he could not eat ...
How crual world! let the poor sny die...
it's always the rich who earn ...
this poor sny had a sapphire force, an adamantium relax, gradients are adamantium and gaia,
he has aqua trails, a chest and head texture.
oh and not forgetting the gaia emote text and neptune timer and ghost
he is a 3nd dan
imagine the poverty of this guy!
sad ...
a beautiful day during he preparing to go begging, he see a pub on the TV (yes, he squat in a home of a friend)
Toriconquest! you can earn TONS of Toricredits! do not wait, go sign up!

sny listened to the pub, it has not waited

that is why today, he began to have even a BIG hungry, but he is determined to win!
(especially since he is still 3nd dan: p)
Happily, there is a Free buffet

Alors, ça va, ça?

Corrigez moi, si je me goure
Last edited by sny; Mar 1, 2009 at 10:56 PM.
hampa has sent you 300000 toricredits.